Conducted by the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, this research project explores how companies are investing in corporate foundation giving and employee volunteering and how these community involvement efforts connect to overall business success.
ESG Research & News
The Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship develops, curates, and distributes comprehensive research to provide insights and expertise to support your ESG decision making in today's dynamic business landscape. From in-depth case studies of leading company CSR efforts to summaries of the latest news and regulations, we offer you the information necessary to help you drive progress in your business and communities.
Industry Reports Now Available
Check out how your Community Involvement programs stack up in your sector. Read moreESG Topics
Corporate Citizenship
Corporate citizenship is how a company exercises its rights, obligations, privileges, and overall corporate responsibility within our local and global environments.
Value of Corporate Citizenship
Corporate citizenship delivers value when companies optimize their core competencies to address opportunities in the ESG aspects of business.
Engaging Employees
Engaging employees in your CSR activities results in greater productivity, improved reputation, increased employee retention, and lower cost of recruiting.
Impact Measurement
By understanding how much social and business value you create and the means by which you create it, you can provide your company with a best-practice opportunity to demonstrate the value of its unique corporate citizenship efforts.
Community Involvement
Read how corporate community involvement can bring positive, measurable change to your business and the communities you serve. Plus CI resources you can use!
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is increasing attention to global environmental concerns, providing the incentive for businesses to assess their impacts.
Sustainability Reporting
Sustainability reporting is a must for today's companies. But where to start? With custom training or other resources, we can help you tackle all the complexities surrounding various frameworks, vendor reports, integrated reporting, and more...
Supply Chain Management
Address inefficiencies and risks as well as responsibly manage the quality of goods and services within your company's supply chain.
Responsible Corporate Leadership
Responsible corporate leadership is an imperative for companies hoping to maximize both business and social returns from CSR initiatives.
The Corporate Citizen Magazine
LEADING THROUGH CHANGE | Corporate citizenship professionals know that leadership takes a variety of forms and can originate from unexpected places. In this issue of The Corporate Citizen, we look at strategies for leading through dynamic change.
The Corporate Citizen: Issue 46, V4
THE NODES OF YOUR NETWORK | In this issue you'll find inspiring stories of companies working to close the digital divide, boost financial literacy and wellness, promote health equity, solidify pathways to sustainability, and much more.
The Corporate Citizen: Issue 46, V3
THE CAREER & LEARNING ISSUE | This issue includes BCCCC's 2024 Education & Advisory Catalog, along with company examples, executive insights, and highlights from the 2024 Corporate Citizenship Innovation Awards.
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See all issuesResearch Reports
TCFD aims not to create a new disclosure scheme, but to identify gaps in existing disclosure schemes and work with leaders in the financial sector to forge a shared understanding about the kinds of risk a changing climate might pose for business.
Corporate investments in mental health will directly affect the lives of your coworkers, their families, and friends, and will also positively impact the bottom line. This report offers research, real-life stories, and strategies to address the mental health crisis inside companies and communities.
Profile of the Professionals reports provide insight into how professionals at all levels assess the skills they need to be effective in their roles. This report focuses on the energy industry.
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See All ReportsBriefs
Delivered twice monthly via email, Research Briefs is a digital summary of recent or seminal research from corporate practice and academic study, offering knowledge and tools you can apply directly to your work.
This monthly briefing on emerging regulatory issues keeps you apprised of the actions that may impact your corporate citizenship efforts. Each edition includes summaries of and links to the latest items we’ve added to our Resource Library.
These member-exclusive resources are compilations of the most frequently asked questions from our member community of corporate citizenship professionals. Use these brief downloads of best practices and company examples on a variety of essential topics—from corporate giving to making the business case for CSR.
Browse CSR and ESG infographics designed to help companies advance their environmental, social, and governance efforts. Each resource represents research and data, compiled by our Center, for the benefit of the corporate social responsibility community.