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Corporate Citizenship Strategy | ONLINE

Complete your Certificate in Corporate Citizenship Practice online with our reduced pricing options. See below for more details.

corporate citizenship strategy course

Gain executive buy-in by applying strategy models to your CSR programs.

Strategic planning is one of the most difficult but critical activities a citizenship professional can do to understand potential value and the steps needed to reach it. To gain the support of senior leaders and create the most impactful programs, you need to connect to your business strategy. This course employs business strategy models commonly used in business strategy. Learn how to use these tools to identify opportunities to align corporate citizenship strategy with corporate strategic goals. Learn how to plan for effective strategy execution.


In this course, you will learn:

  • To utilize widely accepted business strategy models to plan, communicate, and execute corporate citizenship plans.
  • To identify opportunities for corporate citizenship to support business strategy.
  • To articulate clear programmatic goals that advance your company’s business strategy and make outcomes meaningful to colleagues in terms of the metrics that are most important to them.
  • How to reinforce the core values of your company and the very best aspects of your corporate culture.
  • How organize for success and execute your strategy.


Start and finish on your schedule: Courses take 15-17 hours, including video content and exercises.

Module 1: Introduction and Strategy Context

  • Introduction and background information on the strategy context from a corporate citizenship perspective
  • Activity: Reflect on your current corporate strategy program

Module 2: Business Strategy

  • Exploration of business strategy and overview of two popular business strategy tools
  • Activity: Map out the forces currently impacting your company

Module 3: Corporate Citizenship Strategy

  • Corporate citizenship strategy and why it should be aligned to your business strategy
  • Activity: Case study and test a strategy

Module 4: Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality

  • Prioritization of stakeholders and issues
  • Activity: Prioritize stakeholders using the stakeholder engagement prioritization template

Module 5: Blue Ocean Strategy

  • Overview of a commonly used business framework and how to build a strategy canvas
  • Activity: Create a Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas

Module 6: Strategy Implementation

  • Overview of strategy implementation and introduction of the Star Model
  • Activity: Discussion questions on strategy implementation

Module 7: Leading Change

  • Implement a corporate citizenship strategy by leading a movement for change
  • Activity: Discussion question on leading change in your company

Module 8: Delivering Value

  • Value creation paths to achieve benefits to different stakeholders
  • Activity: Plan to deliver value to different audiences

Module 9: Executing Tactics

  • Overview of supportive tactics for your corporate citizenship strategy
  • Activity: Reflect on the tactics used in your company for implementing your company’s corporate citizenship strategy

Module 10: Designing Individual Programs

  • The logic model and how it can be used to design corporate citizenship programs 
  • Activity: Test the model using a company example and your own company’s corporate citizenship program

This course is for:

This program is recommended for professionals responsible for designing or managing a corporate citizenship program at any level, and professionals who seek to develop their strategy skills.

Professional credentials earned:


  • Member: $2130.00
  • Non-Member: $2900.00

This pricing model excludes our Brand and ReputationCDP ReportingIntegrated Reporting, and Supply Chain courses. If you would like to take these courses as part of the multi-course option, please contact us at



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Start anytime, finish on your schedule. Enroll Now


All executive education courses with the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship are taught by CSR experts from a variety of backgrounds, informed by over 30 years of constantly updated research, trends, and insights. Now, with online courses, you can gain the same corporate citizenship knowledge and tools on your own, without leaving your office.

As in all of our executive education programs, our goal is to help you know more so that you can use the assets of your business to do more and achieve more with your corporate citizenship programs—accelerating the business value you create for your company and the social value you create for us all.