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CSR and social media: how to amplify your communication efforts

Developing a thoughtful social media strategy can provide CSR practitioners with an engaging method of sharing their Corporate Citizenship victories.

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3 Questions and ACTIONS for envisioning a Better Corporate Citizenship Strategy

CSR Practitioners can use these three questions and actions to help focus and improve their Corporate Citizenship Strategies.

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Get to ‘better’. How using data drives success in corporate citizenship.

See how data plays a crucial role in developing, understanding, and reporting on corporate citizenship programs.

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January Corporate Citizenship Highlights

Catch up on CSR news from January, including stories about companies cutting down on carbon emissions and how you can improve your CDP reporting.

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Dell Sets Goals to Achieve a Legacy of Good

See how Dell has put sustainability initiatives into action that have helped both achieve business objectives and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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3 ways to cut carbon: creative lessons in corporate citizenship

See how Center Members are reducing their greenhouse gas emissions as part of the Corporate Citizenship programs.

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Fostering a more promising and productive future through mentorship programs

Center for Corporate Citizenship Members share ways in which they build mentorship programs that help individuals develop essential workplace skills.

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Stay inspired in 2015 by staying centered

Reflect with the Center for Corporate Citizenship on where you've been, where you're going, and what lies ahead in the world of Corporate Responsibility.

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Tell your corporate citizenship story during the 2015 Film Festival

The International Corporate Citizenship Film Festival provides an opportunity for companies to tell their CSR stories to both internal and external audiences.

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Four Action Steps to Prepare for the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire

The Center for Corporate Citizenship helps you improve your emissions reporting and prepares you for the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire.

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CSR professionals give tips on how to prepare for organizational change

Organizational change is inevitable in businesses today; the question is how do individuals not only endure but thrive in such an atmosphere?

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Sanofi embraces supplier diversity as a business imperative

Diversified health care provider Sanofi is dedicated to developing a diverse supplier base that brings value to business & the communities in which it operates

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