Environmental insights: Trends in Sustainable Business study

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” – John Muir

TrendsInSustainableBusiness-Cover2_smallThe interconnection of issues we address in our corporate citizenship work becomes especially evident in attempts to achieve environmental sustainability. From sourcing, to product development, to waste management, our strategies must accommodate shifting constraints and opportunities presented by our natural environment and other stakeholders.

As corporate citizenship professionals, you play a vital role in helping your companies adapt and grow. From volunteer projects that revitalize parks and community spaces, to programs that reduce the carbon footprint of your operations, to sustainability reports that communicate your progress and your plans for improvement, your efforts support people, profit, and our planet.

As we continue to create sustainable progress in our companies and communities, it’s important that we consider the environmental impacts of everything we do. That is why we are working to ensure that our 2018 International Corporate Citizenship Conference creates the least impact on the environment possible. This year, the Center—with the help of our Carbon Offset Sponsor State Street, and our Zero Waste Sponsor Subaru of America—is more than offsetting the carbon and water impacts of our Conference. We are also donating, composting, and recycling event food and other materials to eliminate as much waste as possible.

Now, we are offering our members the insights, research, and expertise we've gathered from more than 30 years of corporate citizenship experience in our Trends in Sustainable Business study. We are happy to share a guide to help you address the environmental impacts in your operationsand at your own events. I hope that you’ll use these resources to inspire your ongoing work to create a sustainable future.

This study is just one of the ways the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship helps its members Know More, Do More and Achieve More in their important work. Visit our Maximize Your Membership page to make sure you're accessing all of our resources. Not a member? Check out our Become a Member page to learn more.