This week we celebrated the sixth annual #GivingTuesday, a global day of philanthropy following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, when consumers turn from shopping to giving—and for companies, corporate giving. According to #GivingTuesday founding partner Blackbaud, this year was the most successful yet: Online giving was up 28 percent from last year, with more than $60.9 million in online donations.
As always, companies were instrumental in that success, using social media to drive the day's momentum. Corporate citizenship leaders used this moment to shine a spotlight on not only corporate giving, but also corporate community involvement and engaging employees on volunteer work—both on this #GivingTuesday and all year round.
Among those CSR champions were representatives from the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship member community of over 430 companies. Below, you’ll see examples of how our member network firms got involved in the movement across social media platforms.
To kick off the day, Blackbaud joined NASDAQ in ringing the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange:
It's #GivingTuesday! Today, Lam will match eligible employee donations to causes that matter most to them. Request your match on the Lam Community Giving Site.
#teamGMCares focuses on volunteerism year round, but today employees are wrapping thousands of gifts and by the end of the week, they will be delivered to children by air sleigh. We call it Operation: Good Cheer.