Corporate citizenship reporting advances ESG issues and your business

Today’s corporate citizenship reports are more engaging and relevant, and are communicating the positive environmental, social, governance, and business value that companies are creating. A corporate citizenship report was once a nice to have; now approximately 93 percent of the Global 250 issue them.

A focus on sustainability helps organizations manage their social and environmental impacts and improve operating efficiency and natural resource stewardship, and it remains a vital component of shareholder, employee, and stakeholder relations. It offers benefits back to the business as well. According to the 2013 Value of Sustainability Report—a survey the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship conducted jointly with EY—the majority of respondents reported that corporate citizenship reporting improved reputation, while many also noted that it increased employee loyalty, reduced misinformation about the company’s CSR performance, and helped refine strategy (see Figure A).


Below, top leaders offer insight into how corporate citizenship reporting is helping them develop their strategy, inform their stakeholders, and gain recognition for their efforts.


The Center has many resources to help you begin or evolve your reporting journey. I encourage you to explore the future of corporate citizenship reporting by checking out GRI’s “Reporting 2025: An International Dialogue” project. The project was launched in conjunction with the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, SAP, and Enel to “...promote an international discussion about sustainability trends in the next decade.” Also, consider joining us for our GRI and CDP courses. As a certified training partner for both GRI and CDP, we’ll help you understand and utilize two of the leading sustainability frameworks to drive both social and environmental progress—and business results.

Both courses offer IACET and CPE credit and can be counted towards your Certificate of Corporate Citizenship Practice.