ArcelorMittal: From small changes to seismic shifts: The trends in corporate citizenship that will shape our business' future
The video below is a presentation from the 2018 International Corporate Citizenship Conference in Los Angeles, CA.
Save the date for the 2019 Conference in Dallas on April 28-30. Learn more.
Trends in corporate citizenship are no longer simply "ideas to watch" in a given year. What looks like a horizon issue in materiality assessments can quickly become a major global trend or business risk in a matter of days or weeks. As the speed of change increases in the current global context and corporate landscape, how do CSR professionals prepare themselves and their companies to tackle these issues quickly and effectively? Two of ArcelorMittal’s corporate responsibility leaders, Marcy Twete and Beth Spurgeon, join leading CSR strategist Susan McPherson to discuss trends, technologies, and policies that will affect the future of companies and the corporate citizenship arena as a whole.