Recent research and writing on the topic of women in the workplace seem to suggest that women still face immense challenges in the work place, and may opt to leave firms rather than languish in stalled careers or face ever-increasing social pressure to be everything to everyone. So how can you keep qualified, talented women at your firm, develop them as leaders, and reap the benefits all around?
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Finite resources of time, support, and the almighty dollar can leave citizenship and sustainability departments searching for solutions. How can we do more with less? Can we afford to strive for the impacts we want? What are the priorities? Watch this video to learn the answers to these questions and more. During the one hour discussion we will take a deep dive into one member’s quest to maximize the impact of her CSR programs and her dollars.
Read MoreThis webinar features three member companies who describe their environmental practices and innovative solutions, and why they chose to focus on particular areas.
Read MoreWe know that business to business companies do face unique challenges in communicating their corporate citizenship efforts. It is particularly challenging to focus communication on what your clients and main constituents most want to know. Unlike your B2C counterparts, your clients all have their own clients and corporate citizenship priorities to honor. So how can B2B companies strike the balance between the interesting story and the story their clients want to hear? Watch this one hour webinar to hear from two companies whose B2B identity and CSR activities work together successfully.
Read MoreWhether you are looking to enhance current volunteering opportunities at your company, or want to engage a different population, the examples of skills based volunteering and board service training programs we will share will give you great ideas and suggestions to help you move forward.
Read MoreThis one hour webinar will focus on how to build a strong relationship with nonprofits and nurture a relationship that lasts. You will learn how to take advantage of existing networks, connect your philanthropy to the core of your business, and engage employees, executives, and customers alike as you establish a foolproof partnership.
Read MoreAccording to research, philanthropy that is aligned with the company mission and vision is especially effective. When a company chooses a business critical issue which makes sense to consumers and employees alike, the benefits to reputation and engagement numbers increase. Watch this one hour webinar and hear from member companies whose volunteers are mobilized around an important and relevant business imperative.
Read MoreCapacity building grants are a growing trend in corporate philanthropy. When capacity building is successful, it enhances the nonprofit sustain its ability to have a significant, positive impact on lives and communities well into the future. In this one hour webinar hear from companies whose programs help their partners build and scale essential capacity in addition to supporting the work they do.
Read MoreCDP is a critical source of global data that delivers the evidence and insight about environmental risk required to drive action. This one hour webinar will provide an overview of CDP, the CDP reporting process, and the benefits of reporting.
Read MoreWatch this on hour webinar and hear corporate perspectives on the key findings of a recent white paper, Mentoring: the Crossroads of Education Business and Community, and share their own challenges – and rewards – of building and managing world-class corporate mentoring programs.
Read MoreDuring this webinar you will hear why 115 companies have signed the universal climate agreement and what impact it will have on the future of business and the environment.
Read MoreAll programs have a purpose, but how do you measure and capture the success towards that purpose? Many companies struggle to measure impact over time. During this webinar member companies shared insights, best practices, and lessons learned from evaluating their corporate citizenship programs—and investigate how using data improved their efforts.
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