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Research Briefs

nonfinancial disclosure and supply chain - 1

Mandatory nonfinancial disclosure increases supply chain transparency

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand how mandatory ESG disclosures might affect firms’ supply chain due diligence, researchers analyzed 1,500 firms from 2005-2016, reviewing nearly 10,000 firm year observations.

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board structure and carbon emissions - 1

Influence of board structure on firm carbon emissions

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand the relationship between board structure and emissions performance, researchers analyzed 7,284 firm-year observations...

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sustainability training - 1

Sustainability training improves eco-friendly behaviors outside of work

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers examined the direct and indirect relationships between employee participation in an environmentally focused training at work and employees' eco-friendly behaviors outside of work...

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ESG ranking and corporate debt - 1

Increased ESG ranking lowers the cost of corporate debt

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers examined more than 1,500 bonds from S&P 500 companies and the firms’ ESG scores to determine if there is a relationship between a company’s score and their cost of debt.

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corporate diversity info and talent acquisition - 1

Are jobseekers influenced by diversity information?

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand whether jobseekers use information about the company’s diversity scores when applying to jobs, researchers examined the click-through behavior of 178,862 jobseekers...

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How industry-related factors affect SDG-related reporting

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers studied firm ESG reporting across 36 countries with both developed and developing economies to understand what factors might influence whether a firm would report ESG metrics in alignment with SDGs.

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esg reporting frameworks regulation

How ESG affects equity valuation, risk, and performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Can positive changes in a company's ESG characteristics serve as a useful indicator for predicting investment quality?

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salary disclosure and transparency law

Wage-related interventions for workers who earn low wages

RESEARCH BRIEF - Can companies increase worker compensation for employees earning low wages without a negative impact to the bottom line?

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CSR messaging - 1

Using vague language diminishes CSR message credibility

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand the relationship between different types of corporate social responsibility (CSR) messages and consumer trust, researchers surveyed participants about the CSR reputation of a specific unnamed company.

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CSR messaging and social influencers - 1

How consumers respond to CSR messaging from social media influencers

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers explored how consumers would respond to CSR messaging from non-CSR-themed social media influencers.

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integrating corporate citizenship supply chain

CSR performance affects supply-chain contracting decisions

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand whether an increase in available CSR information affects supplier contracting decisions, researchers gathered over 3,500 supplier-year observations.

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age diversity top management teams - 1

Age demographics of top management teams impact environmental management strategies

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand what effect the age of top management team members has on a firm’s environmental management strategies, researchers analyzed data from over 500 U.S. firms over eight years.

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