The submission period is open, we will be accepting video uploads until January 15, 2016.
For eight years the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship has hosted the Corporate Citizenship Film Festival, which attracts both domestic and international interest. This year, the event is sponsored by Mary Kay, and provides your company with a platform to share your CSR story with thousands of viewers, including the approximately 600 CSR leaders attending the 2016 International Corporate Citizenship Conference.
To participate in the Film Festival competition, companies are asked to submit a short video that depicts an aspect of their CSR efforts. In recent years, submissions have represented a wide range of corporate citizenship topics from different environment, social and goverance (ESG) areas, including volunteerism, environmental sustainability, science, technology, engineering and math education (STEM), healthcare access, employee engagement, technology innovation, and many others. We encourage you to take a look at the work of our past Film Festval winners and invite you to showcase your CSR efforts in the 2016 Corporate Citizenship Film Festival. In order to acknowledge as many programs as possible, we have added new categories for 2016 including company size.
Important facts about the 2016 Corporate Citizenship Film Festival.
- New prize categories will be:
- Company Size
- Small company (employee size 1 - 5,000)
- Medium company (employee size 5,000 - 30,000)
- Large company (employee size 30,000 +)
- Best in Class
- Fan Favorite
Are you interested in participating?
- Submission period is now open: We will be accepting video uploads until January 15, 2016. Only one video submission is permitted per company.
- Public voting: Voting will take place on the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship website from January 25 – February 15, 2016, determining the top three videos for the company size category. Each voter gets a vote in each category. Anyone can vote!
- Selection of winner: The top three videos based on popular vote for each company size category will then be reviewed by an industry panel to determine Company Size and Best in Class Winners. The Fan Favorite will be chosen based on overall voting numbers. All winners will be announced and honored in a formal ceremony at the 2016 International Corporate Citizenship Conference, held March 20-22 in Atlanta.
To submit a video to the 2016 Corporate Citizenship Film Festival please visit our website. For more information about the Film Festival and Conference updates please sign up to our newsletter.