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Corporate citizenship leads to happier and more committed employees

RESEARCH BRIEF - Employees with favorable perceptions of their organization's corporate c...

The effectiveness of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) participation depends on the type of firm ownership

RESEARCH BRIEF - Research suggests that private firms significantly reduce their number of...

Emphasize career-development potential to engage younger employees in mentoring

RESEARCH BRIEF - Those looking to increase participation in mentoring opportunities should...

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks... if you use this proven approach.

RESEARCH BRIEF - Older professionals are more likely to be motivated by genuine interest—r...

Retain employees by investing in internal CSR efforts

RESEARCH BRIEF - With the estimated costs of employee turnover estimated to be up to five ...

Want to increase employee volunteerism? Communicate both professional and societal benefits

RESEARCH BRIEF - Employees are driven to participate in employee volunteer activities both...

Nonprofit Board Training: Preparing and Engaging Employees for Board Service

This webinar featured companies who have created training programs that help both the empl...

Driving a #GivingTuesday campaign: employee engagement, partnership and participation

#GivingTuesday is a perfect way to connect your corporate citizenship programs and charita...

Environmental commitments can contribute to employee loyalty and increased productivity

Researchers examined the impact that adoption of environmental-related standards has on em...