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Profile of the Professionals 2024 | Consumer Goods & Leisure Industry

Profile of the Professionals reports provide insight into how professionals at all levels ...

FTC announces final rule on deceptive hotel and event pricing

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced its final Rule addressing deceptive pricing p...

New carbon oxide utilization guidance for taxpayers

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Treasury released updated utilization...

Does environmental CSR influence consumers’ purchase intentions more than other CSR types?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Sharing information about a company’s environmental efforts at the point ...

The Effect of Corporate Philanthropy on Consumer Behavior

RESEARCH BRIEF - Engaging in corporate philanthropy increases consumer purchase intention ...

EU cracks down on corporate environmental claims

The European Parliament has approved a directive to improve environmental marketing practi...

New Jersey passes new consumer privacy law

New Jersey recently became the 13th state to adopt a comprehensive consumer data privacy l...

Biden announces new measures to lower prescription drug costs

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Biden administration has announced new measure...

How consumers respond to CSR messaging from social media influencers

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers explored how consumers would respond to CSR messaging from n...

Using vague language diminishes CSR message credibility

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand the relationship between different types of corporate soci...

Congress terminates COVID-19 national emergency

In March 2023, Congress passed a bill officially terminating the declaration of national e...

FTC issues orders to social platforms to limit advertising scams

With fraud on social media surging, the Federal Trade Commission has issued orders to eigh...