ISR Publications
Husin, A., Dear, V., Faturahman, A., Anggarani, S., Mardiani, A. S., Purwono, A., Harjosuwito, J., & Pradipta, R. 2025 Space Weather, e2024SW004025, Simultaneous Observation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over Indonesia Following the 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcano Eruption
Sweeny, B. C., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2025, Int. J. Mass Spec., 508, 117384 Activation of CH4 and C2H6 by Al2O2+ from 300 to 600 K
Andersson, B-G., Karoly, J., Bastien, P., Soam, A., Coude, S., Tahani, M, Gordon, M. S., & Fox-Middleton, S., 2024, ApJ, 963, 76, Submillimeter-wavelength Polarimetry of IRC +10216
Ard, S. G., Sweeny, B. C., Lewis, T. W. R., Long, Huber, M. E., Lewis, T. W. R., Meta, M., Ard, S. G., Liu, Y., B. A., Viggiano, A. A. & Shuman, N. S. 2024, J. Phys. Chem. A, 128,5668, A Common Bottleneck for Metal Oxidation by Molecular Oxygen Across Size Regimes: Kinetics of Atomic Lanthanide Cations (La+–Lu+) with O2
Huber, M. E., Lewis, T. W. R., Meta, M., Ard, S. G., Liu, Y., Sweeny, B. C., Guo, H., Ončák, M., Shuman, N. S., & Meyer, J., 2024, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 8670, Ta+ and Nb+ + CO2: intersystem crossing in ion–molecule reactions
Husin, A., Harjosuwito, J., Anggarani, S., Dear, V., Faturahman, A., & Pradipta, R. 2024, J. Atmos & Solar-Terr Physics, 262, 106295, Ionospheric effects during the total solar eclipse over South-East Asia-Pacific on 9 March 2016, Part 2: Total electron content reduction and fluctuation patterns
Kraemer, K. E., Sloan, G. C., & Ramirez, R. M. 2024, Astroph. J., 973, 158, The Dustiest Galactic S Stars: Mid-Infrared Spectra from SOFIA/FORCAST
Kuchar, T. A., Sloan, G. C., Mizuno, D. R., Kraemer, K. E., Boyer, M. L., Groenewegen, M. A. T., Jones, O. C., Kemper, F., McDonald, I., Oliveira, J. M., Sewiło, M., Srinivasan, S., van Loon, J. Th., & Zijlstra, A., 2024, Astron. J., 167 149, SMC-Last Extracted Photometry
Lewis, T. W. R., Sweeny, B. C., Viggiano, A. A., Shuman, N. S., & Ard, S. G., 2024, J. Phys. Chem. A, 128, 439, Temperature-Dependent Kinetics for the Reactions of Fen– (n = 2–17) and FexNiy– (x + y = 3–9) with O2: Comparison of Pure and Mixed Metal Clusters with Relevance to Meteor Radio Afterglows and Surface Oxidation
Malagón-Romero, A., Luque, A., Shuman, N. S., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., 2024, Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL107990, Associative Electron Detachment in Sprites
Materassi, M., Migoya-Orué, Y., Radicella, S. M., Alberti, T., & Consolini, G., 2024, Atmosphere, 15, 84, Multi-Time-Scale Analysis of Chaos and Predictability in vTEC
Migoya-Orué, Y., Abe, O. E., & Radicella, S., 2024, Atmosphere, 15, 1098, Regional Spatial Mean of Ionospheric Irregularities Based on K-Means Clustering of ROTI Maps
Miller, T. M., Rodriguez, V. G., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2024, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 126101, Dissociative electron attachment and Ar+ reaction with chromium hexacarbonyl, 296-400 K
Pradipta, R., Huang, C., & Groves, K. M. 2024, JGR Sp. Phys., 129, e203JA031963, A 2-Dimensional Data Detrending
Technique for Equatorial Plasma Bubble Studies Using GOLD Far Ultraviolet Observations
Pradipta, R., & Lai, P.-C. 2024, Annales Geophys., 42, 301, Observations of ionospheric disturbances associated with the 2020 Beirut explosion by Defense Meteorological Satellite Program and ground-based ionosondes
Rodriguez, V. G., Lewis, T. W. R., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2024, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 506, 117345, Kinetics of N3+ and N4+ with N(4S), O(3P), and NO
Shuman, N. S., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., & Viggiano, A. A., 2024, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 114309, The associative ionization of N(2P) + O(3P)
Sloan, G. C., Kraemer, K. E., Aringer, B., Cami, J., Eriksson, K., Höfner, S., Lagadec, E., Matsuura, M., McDonald, I., Montiel, E., Sahai, R., & Zijlstra, A. A., 2024, Galaxies, 12, 61, Temporal Changes in the Infrared Spectra of Magellanic Carbon Stars
Sweeny, B. C., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2024, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 508, 117384, Activation of CH4 and C2H6 by Al2O2+ from 300 – 600 K
Webb, D. F., Emery, B. A., Gibson, S. E., Hewins, I. M., McFadden R. H., & Kuchar T. A., 2024, Sol. Phys., 299, 27, The Polar Field Reversal Process over Five Solar Cycles
Baku, P., Rabiu, B., Amory-Mazaudier, C., et al., 2023, Atmosphere, 14, 1791, The Status of Space Weather Infrastructure and Research in Africa
Campuzano, S. A., Delgado-Gómez, F., Migoya-Orué, Y., Rodríguez-Caderot, G., Herraiz-Sarachaga, M., & Radicella, S. M., 2023, Atmosphere, 14, 233, Study of Ionosphere Irregularities over the Iberian Peninsula during two Moderate Geomagnetic Storms Using GNSS and Ionosonde Observations
Carter, B. A., Pradipta, R., Dao, T., Currie, J. L., Choy, S., Wilkinson, P., Maher, P., Marshall, R., Harima, K., Le Huy, M., Nguyen Chien, T., Nguyen Ha, T., & Harris, T. J., 2023, Space Weather, 21, e2023SW003476, The ionospheric effects of the 2022 Hunga Tonga Volcano eruption and the associated impacts on GPS Precise Point Positioning across the Australian region
Chen, Y., Liu, Z., Chen, P., Webb, D. F., Hao, Q., Hu, J., Cheng, G., Mei, Z., Ye, J., Wang, Q., & Lin, J., 2023, ApJS, 269, 22, Can the Parker Solar Probe Detect a CME-flare Current Sheet?
Chou, M.-Y., Yue, J., Wang, J., Huba, J. D., El Alaoui, M., Kuznetsova, M. M., Rastätter, L., Shim, J. S., Fang, T.-W., Meng, X., Fuller-Rowell, D., Retterer, J. M., 2023, Space Weather, 21, e2023SW003480, Validation of Ionospheric Modeled TEC in the Equatorial Ionosphere During the 2013 March and 2021 November Geomagnetic Storms
Harjosuwito,J., Husin, A., Dear, V., Muhamad, J., Faturahman, A., Bahar, A., Erlansyah, Syetiawan, A., & Pradipta, R., 2023, Annales Geophys., 41, 147, Ionosonde and GPS total electron content observations during the 26 December 2019 annular solar eclipse over Indonesia
Hause, M. L., & Prince, B. D. 2023, J. Phys. Chem. A, 127, 1422, Luminescence Measurements of the Hyperthermal Reactions of N/N+ + NH3
Hewins I. M., Gibson S. E., Webb D. F., McFadden R. H., Kuchar T. A., Emery B. A., 2023, JGR Sp. Phys., 128, e2023JA031343 Comparative Solar Minima Using the McIntosh Archive
Hoskinson, A. R., Rawlins, W. T., Galbally-Kinney, K. L., Gong, E., & Hopwood, J., 2022, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys., 55, 125208, Production and loss of O2(1Δg) at atmospheric pressure using microwave-driven microplasmas
Materassi, M., Alberti, T., Migoya-Orué, Y., Radicella, S. M., & Consolini, G., 2023, Entropy, 25, 368, Chaos and Predictability in Ionospheric Time Series
Miller, T. M., Lewis, T. W. R., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2023, J. Chem. Phys., 159, 044303, Electron and Ar+ interaction with Mo(CO)6 at thermal energies; energetic limit on removal of 5 ligands from Mo(CO)6+
Mrak, S., Coster, A. J., Groves, K., & Nikoukar, R. 2023, Front. Astron. Space Sci., 10, Ground-based infrastructure for monitoring and characterizing intermediate-scale ionospheric irregularities at mid-latitudes
Nita, G. M., Fleishman, G. D., Kuznetsov, A. A., Anfinogentov, S. A., Stupishin, A. G., Kontar, E.P., Schonfeld, S. J., Klimchuk, J. A., & Gary, D. E., 2023, Astroph. J. Supp., 267, 6, Data-constrained Solar Modeling with GX Simulator
Oladipo, O. A., Olawepo, A. O., Adeniyi, J. O., Adimula, I. A., Willoughby, A. A., & Doherty, P. H., 2023, Adv. Space Res., 71, 4587, Effect of geomagnetic storms on L-band scintillation over Ilorin, Nigeria
Oladipo, O. A., Olawepo, A. O., Adeniyi, J. O., Adimula, I. A., Willoughby, A. A., & Doherty, P. H., 2023, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. Occurrence pattern of large-scale ionospheric irregularities over Ilorin, Nigeria - During solar cycle 24
Pradipta, R. 2023, A Problem-Solving Workbook on Ionospheric and Space Physics (Wiley) ISBN 978-1-119-62888-0
Pradipta, R., Carter, B. A., Currie, J. L., Choy, S., Wilkinson, P., Maher, P., & Marshall, R., 2023, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL101925, On the Propagation of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances From the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano Eruption and Their Possible Connection With Tsunami Waves
Pradipta, R., Mishin, E., & Groves, K. M., 2023, JGR Sp. Phys., 128, e2023JA031465, Storm-Time Subauroral Ionospheric Plasma Density Irregularities and the Substorm Current Wedge
Radicella, S. M., 2023, Atmosphere, 14, 1788, New Ways to Modelling and Predicting Atmospheric Variables
Reinisch B. W., Song P., Galkin I. A., Stelmash S. S., Roche K., Khmyrov G. M., Bibl K., Kozlov, A. V., McEachen, M., Paznukhov, V. V. 2023, JGR Sp. Phys., 128, e2022JA030435. The VLF Transmitter, Narrowband Receiver, and Tuner Investigation on the DSX Spacecraft
Rieke, G. H., Engelke, C., Su, K., & Casagrande, L., 2023, Astron. J., 165, 99, Absolute Calibration. III. Improved Absolute Calibration for the Visible through the Mid-infrared
Rino, C., Yokoyama, T., & Carrano, C. 2023, Earth & Plan. Sci., 75, 64, A three-dimensional stochastic structure model derived from high-resolution isolated equatorial plasma bubble
Schonfeld, S. J., Pesnell., W. D., Verniero, J. L., Rivera, Y. J., Halford, A. J., Vines, S. K., & Spitzer, S. A. 2023, Frontiers Astron. Sp. Sci., 9, Expanding the deep space network to support the heliophysics system observatory
Shuman, N.S., Sweeny, B. C., Viggiano, A. A., Plane, J. M. C., Feng, W., Lachowicz, A., Heaven, M. C., & Ard, S. G., 2023, J. Phys. Chem. A, 127, 4043, Kinetics of O3 with Ca+ and Its Higher Oxides CaOn+ (n = 1–3) and Updates to a Model of Meteoric Calcium in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
Sun, A. K., Pi, X., Rino, C., & Lee, J. 2023, Radio Science, 58, e2023RS007659. Statistical Uncertainty in the Frequency Dependence of the Intensity Scintillation Index (S4)
Sweeny, B. C., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S. 2023, Molec. Physics, e2174362, Electron withdrawing ligands inhibit oxygen transport by Al+: temperature-dependent kinetics of AlO+/(O2)AlO+ + H2/CH4
Sweeny, B. C., Long, B. A., Maffucci, D., Zuo, J., Guo, H., Viggiano, A. A., Ard, S. G., & Shuman, N. S. 2023, J. Phys. Chem. A, 127, 1818, Activation of Methane by Zr+: A Deep-Dive into the Potential Surface via Pressure- and Temperature-Dependent Kinetics with Statistical Modeling
Viggiano, A. A., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., & Shuman, N. S. 2023, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 31917, Kinetics of associative detachment of O- + N2 and dissociative attachment of e- + N2O up to 1300 K: Chemistry relevant to modeling of transient luminous events
Ard, S. G., Sweeny, B. C., Long, B. A., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2022, Nat. Commun., 13, 3310, Inconsistent kinetic isotope effect in ammonia charge exchange reaction measured in a Coulomb crystal and in a selected-ion flow tube
Gordon, K. D., Bohlin, R., Sloan, G. C., Rieke, G., Volk, K., Boyer, M., Muzerolle, J., Shlawin, E., Deustua, S. E., Hines, D. C., Kraemer, K. E., Mullally, S. E., & Su, K. Y. L. 2022, Astron. J., 163, 267, The James Webb Space Telescope Absolute Flux Calibration. I. Program Design and Calibration Stars
Harris J., Dikpati M., Hewins I. M., Gibson S. E., McIntosh S. W., Chatterjee S., & Kuchar T. A., 2022, Astroph. J, 931, 54, Tracking Movement of Long-lived Equatorial Coronal Holes from Analysis of Long-term McIntosh Archive Data
Joshi, D. R., Groves, K. M., Retterer, J. M., Carrano, C. S., & Roddy, P. A. 2022, JGR: Space Physics, 127, e30525, Peak-Height Distribution of Equatorial Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles: Analysis and Modeling of C/NOFS Satellite Observations
Kraemer, K. E., Engelke, C. W., Renger, B. A., & Sloan, G. C. 2022, Astron. J., 164, 161, Tying Spitzer’s IRS Calibration to IRAC: Observations of IRS Standard Stars
Kudeki, E., Reyes, P., Wallace, A., Ye, B., Pfaff, R. F., Larson, M. F., & Groves, K. M. 2022, JGR: Space Physics, 127, e30256, A Study of Post-Sunset Spread-F Initiation During the 2013 EVEX Campaign
Lai, S., & Pradipta, R. 2022, Physics of Satellite Surface Charging (CRC Press) ISBN 9780367224745
Miller, T. M., Wiens, J. P., Viggiano, A. A., Ard, S. G., & Shuman, N. S., 2022, J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 5545, Thermal Electron Attachment to Pyruvic Acid, Thermal Detachment from the Parent Anion, and the Electron Affinity of Pyruvic Acid
Mizuno, D. R., Kuchar, T. A., Kraemer, K. E., & Sloan, G. C. 2022, Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 134, 094101, SMC-Last Mosaic Images
Pervaiz, F., Ali, S., Ali, M., & Lai, S. T., 2022, JGR: Space Physics, 128, e2022JA030642, Spacecraft Charging Due To Energetic Electrons and Ions at Geosynchronous Altitudes
Poutsma, J. C., Poutsma, J. L., Moeller, W., Sweeny, B. C., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2022, J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 1648, Structures and Electron Affinities of Aluminum Hydride Clusters AlnH (n = 3-13)
Pradipta, R., & Doherty, P. H. 2022, URSI Radio Sci. Letters, 3, 54, Advancing Our Understanding on Ionospheric Threats to SBAS/GBAS Operations Over North and South America
Schonfeld, S. J., Henney, C. J., Jones, S. J., & Arge, C. N. 2022, Astroph. J., 932, 115 Solar Polar Flux Redistribution Based on Observed Coronal Holes
Scicluna, P., Kemper, F., McDonald, I., et al. 2022, MNRAS, 512, 1091, The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey II: Constructing a volume-limited sample and first results from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
Sweeny, B. C., Heaven, M. C., Lachowicz, A., Johnson, M. A., Viggiano, A. A., Shuman, N. S., & Ard, S. G., 2022, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 33, 1401, Gas Phase Reactivity of Ozone with Lanthanide Ions (Sm+, Nd+) and Their Higher Oxides
Sweeny, B. C., Long, B. A, Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2022, J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 859, The Effect of Intersystem Crossings on the Kinetics of Thermal Ion-Molecule reactions: Ti+ + O2, CO2, and N2O
Wiens, J. P., Miller, T. M, Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2022, J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 9076, Elementary Reactions Leading to PFAS Degradation in an Ar+/e- Plasma
Amory-Mazaudier, C., Radicella, S., Doherty, P., Gadimova, S., Fleury, R., Nava, B., Anas, E., Petitdidier, M., Migoya-Orué, Y., Alazo-Cuartas, K., & Shiokawa, K. 2021, J. Sp. Wx & Sp. Clim., 11, 28, Development of research capacities in space weather: a successful international cooperation
Burke, W. J., & Lai, P.-C. 2021, J. Atmos. & Solar-Terr. Phys., 213, 105523, Early main-phase electrodynamics of the ring current inferred from DMSP
Currie, J. L., Carter, B. A., Retterer, J., Dao, T., Pradipta, R., Caton, R., Groves, K., Otsuka, Y., Yokoyama, T., Hozumi, K., Le Truong, T., & Terkildsen, M. 2021, JGR: Space Physics, 126, e28724, On the Generation of an Unseasonal EPB Over South East Asia
de Paula, E. R., Martinon, A. R. F., Moraes, A. O., Carrano, C., Neto, A. C., Doherty, P., Groves, K., Valladares, C. E., Crowley, G., Azeem, I., Reynolds, A., Akos, D. M., Walter, T., Beach, T. L., & Slewaegen, J. -M. 2021, Earth & Sp. Sci., 8, e01314, Performance of 6 Different Global Navigation Satellite System Receivers at Low Latitude Under Moderate and Strong Scintillation
Emery, B. A., Webb., D. F., Gibson, S. E., Hewins, I. M., McFadden, R. H., & Kuchar, T. A. 2021, Solar Physics, 296, 119, Latitude Variations in Primary and Secondary Polar Crown Polarity Inversion Lines and Polar Coronal Hole Boundaries over Five Solar Cycles
Goncharenko, L. P., Tamburri, C. A., Tobiska, W. K., Schonfeld, S. J., Chamberlin, P. C., Woods, T. N., Didkovsky, L., Coster, A. J., & Zhang, S.-R., 2021, JGR: Space Physics, 126, e28466, A New Model for Ionospheric Total Electron Content: The Impact of Solar Flux Proxies and Indices
McDonald, D. C. II, Sweeny, B. C., Viggiano, A. A., Ard, S. G., & Schuman, N. S. 2021, J. Phys. Chem. A, 125, 9327, Cyclotrimerization of Acetylene under Thermal Conditions: Gas-Phase Kinetics of V+ and Fe+ + C2H2
Nishimura, Y, Mrak, S., Semeter, J. L., Coster, A. J., Jayachandran, P. T., Groves, K. M., Knudsen, D. J., Nishitani, N., & Ruohoniemi, J. M. 2021, JGR: Space Physics, 126, e29192, Evolution of Mid-latitude Density Irregularities and Scintillation in North America During the 7-8 September 2017 Storm
Sweeny, B. C., McDonald, D. C. II, Shuman, N. S., Viggiano, A. A., Troe, J., & Ard, S. G. 2021, J. Phys. Chem. A, 125, 2069, Gas-Phase Anionic Metal Clusters are Model Systems for Surface Oxidation: Kinetics of the Reactions of Mn– with O2 (M = V, Cr, Co, Ni; n = 1–15)
Rino, C., & Carrano, C., 2021, J. Atm. & Sol.-Terr. Phys., 215, 105558, A Vector Theory for Forward Propagation in a Structured Ionosphere
Rino, C., & Carrano, C., 2021, J. Atm. & Sol.-Terr. Phys., 223, 105740, A Vector Theory for Forward Propagation in a Structured Ionosphere with Surface Reflections
Thompson, B. J., Qui, J., Lugaz, N., & Webb, D. F. 2021, in Solar Physics & Aeronomy V. 1, Geoplysical Monograph Series #258, eds. N. Raouafi, A. Vourlidas, Y. Zhang, & L. J. Paxson, Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
Zhang, J., Temmer, M., Gopalswamy, N., Malandraki, O., Nitta, N. V., Patsourakos, S., Shen, F., Vrsnak, B., Wang, Y., Webb, D., Desai, M. I., Dissauer, K., Dresing, N., Dumbovic, M., Feng, X., Heinemann, S. G., Laurenza, M., Lugaz, N., & Zhuang, B., 2021, Prog. Earth & Plan. Sci., 8, 56, Earth-affecting solar transients: a review of progresses in solar cycle 24
Altadill, D., Segarra, A., Blanch, E., Juan, J. M., Paznukhov, V. V., Buresova, D, Galkin, I, Reinisch, B. W, & Belehaki, A. 2020, J. Space Weather Space Climate, 10, 2, A method for real-time identification and tracking of traveling ionospheric disturbances using ionosonde data: first results
Booth, R. S., & Annesley, C. J. 2020, J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 9683, Photoinduced Intermolecular Electron Transfer in Gas Phase Ion Pairs of the 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Cation and the Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Anion
Breitsch, B., Morton, Y. T., Rino, C., & Xu, D. 2020, IEEE Trans. Aerosp. & Elec. Sys. 56, 3632, GNSS Carrier Phase Cycle Slips Due to Diffractive Ionosphere Scintillation: Simulation and Characterization
Carter, B. A., Currie, J. L., Dao, T., Yizengaw, E., Retterer, J., Terkildsen, M., Groves, K., & Caton, R. 2020, Space Weather, 18, e2020SW002555, On the assessment of daily equatorial plasma bubble occurrence modeling and forecasting
Carrano, C. S., Retterer, J. M., Groves, K. M., Crowley, G., Duly, T. M, & Hunton, D. E. 2020, Proc. URSI, Wave-Optics Analysis of HF Propagation through Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Developing Plasma Bubbles
Dear, V., Husin, A., Anggarani, S., Harjosuwito, J., & Pradipta, R. 2020, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA026708, Ionospheric effects during the total solar eclipse over Southeast Asia‐Pacific on 9 March 2016: Part 1. Vertical movement of plasma layer and reduction in electron plasma density
Hause, M. L., Solter, S., Prince, B. D., & Bemish, R. J. 2020, Ph. Chem. Chem. Ph., 22, 7268, Luminescence measurements of hyperthermal Xe2+ + O2 and O+ + Xe collision systems
Hewins, I. M., Gibson, S. E., Webb, D. F., McFadden, R. H., Kuchar, T. A., Emery, B. A., & McIntosh, S. W. 2020, Solar Physics, 295, 161, The Evolution of Coronal Holes over Three Solar Cycles Using the McIntosh Archive
Hysell, D. L., Rao, S., Groves, K. M., & Larsen, M. F. 2020, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA027997, Radar investigation of postsunset equatorial ionospheric instability over Kwajalein during project WINDY
Kocharov, L., Pesce-Rollins, M., Laitinen, T., Mishev, A., Kühl, P., Klassen, A., Jin, M., Omodei, N., Longo, F., Webb, D. F., Cane, H. V., Heber, B., Vainio, R., & Usoskin 2020, Astroph. J., 890, 13, Interplanetary Protons versus Interacting Protons in the 2017 September 10 Solar Eruptive Event
Lai, S. T. 2020, CERN Yellow Reports, 7, 137, Facets of spacecraft charging; critical temperature and dependence on ambient electron density
Lai, S. T., & Miller, C. 2020, AIP-Advances, 10, 095324, Retarding potential analyzer: Principles, designs, and space applications
Mrak, S., Semeter, J., Nishimura, Y., Rodrigues, F. S., Coster, A. J., & Groves, K. 2020, Radio Science, 55, e2020RS007131 Leverageing Geodetic GPS Receivers for Ionospheric Scintillation Science
Paznukhov, V., Altadill, D., Juan, J. M., & Blanch, E. 2020, Radio Science, 55, e2019RS007012, Ionospheric Tilt Measurements: Application to Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Climatology Study
Poutsma, J. C., Shuman, N. S., Miller, T. M., Troe, J., & Viggiano, A. A. 2020, J. Chem. Phys., 152, 124302, Toward a Quantitative Analysis of the Temperature Dependence of Electron Attachment to SF6
Prince, B. D., Levandier, D. J., & Bemish, R. J. 2020, J. Phys. B, 53, 215201, Photoemission resulting from collisions of I2 with 5-100 eV electrons
Rino, C., Breitsch, B., Morton, Y., Xu, D., & Carrano, C. 2020, J. Inst. of Navigation, 67, 865, GNSS signal phase, TEC, and phase unwrapping errors
Sawyer, J. C., Engeling, K. W., Sweeny, B. C., McDonald II, D. C., Ard, S. G., Miller, T. M., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S. 2020, Chem. Phys. Lett. 760, 137973, Measurement of Rate Constants for Mutual Neutralization Reactions - O+ and N+ with the Atomic Halide Anions Cl-, Br-, and I- at Thermal Energies
Sawyer, J. C., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., Sweeny, B. C., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S. 2020, J. Chem. Phys., 153, 074306, Thermal rate constants for electron attachment to N2O: An example of endothermic attachment
Schonfeld, S. J., & Klimchuk, J. A. 2020, ApJ, 905, 115, Transition Region Contribution to AIA Observations in the Context of Coronal Heating
Volk, K., Sloan, G. C., & Kraemer, K. E. 2020, Astroph. & Space Sci., 365, 88, The 21 micron and 30 micron emission features in carbon-rich objects
Xu, D., Morton, Y., Rino, C., Carrano, C., & Jiao, Y. 2020, J. Inst. Nav., 67, 181, A two-parameter multi-frequency GPS signal simulator for strong equatorial ionospheric scintillation: modeling and parameter characterization
Yizengaw, E., & Groves, K. 2020 Space Weather, 18, e2020SW002610, Forcing from lower thermosphere and quiet time scintillation longitudinal dependence
Akala, A. O., Oyeyemi, E. O., Arowolo, O. A., & Doherty, P. H. 2019, Adv. Space Res., 63, 3062, Characterization of GPS and EGNOS amplitude scintillations over the African equatorial/low-latitude region
Araujo-Pradere, E., Weatherhead, E. C., Dandenault, P. B., Bilitza, D., Wilkinson, P., Coker, C., Akmaev, R., Beig, G., Burešová, D., Paxton, L. J., Hernández-Pajares, M., Liu, J. -Y., Lin, C. H., Habarulema, J. B., & Paznukhov, V. 2019, Radio Science, 54, 440, Critical Issues in Ionospheric Data Quality and Implications for Scientific Studies
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