ISR Publications

Husin, A., Dear, V., Faturahman, A., Anggarani, S., Mardiani, A. S., Purwono, A., Harjosuwito, J., & Pradipta, R. 2025 Space Weather, e2024SW004025, Simultaneous Observation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over Indonesia Following the 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcano Eruption

Sweeny, B. C., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2025,  Int. J. Mass Spec., 508, 117384 Activation of CH4 and C2H6 by Al2O2+ from 300 to 600 K

Andersson, B-G., Karoly, J., Bastien, P., Soam, A., Coude, S., Tahani, M, Gordon, M. S., & Fox-Middleton, S., 2024, ApJ, 963, 76, Submillimeter-wavelength Polarimetry of IRC +10216

Ard, S. G., Sweeny, B. C., Lewis, T. W. R., Long, Huber, M. E., Lewis, T. W. R., Meta, M., Ard, S. G., Liu, Y., B. A., Viggiano, A. A. & Shuman, N. S. 2024, J. Phys. Chem. A, 128,5668, A Common Bottleneck for Metal Oxidation by Molecular Oxygen Across Size Regimes: Kinetics of Atomic Lanthanide Cations (La+–Lu+) with O2

Huber, M. E., Lewis, T. W. R., Meta, M., Ard, S. G., Liu, Y., Sweeny, B. C., Guo, H., Ončák, M., Shuman, N. S., & Meyer, J., 2024, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 8670, Ta+ and Nb+ + CO2: intersystem crossing in ion–molecule reactions

Husin, A., Harjosuwito, J., Anggarani, S., Dear, V., Faturahman, A., & Pradipta, R. 2024, J. Atmos & Solar-Terr Physics, 262, 106295, Ionospheric effects during the total solar eclipse over South-East Asia-Pacific on 9 March 2016, Part 2: Total electron content reduction and fluctuation patterns

Kraemer, K. E., Sloan, G. C., & Ramirez, R. M. 2024, Astroph. J., 973, 158, The Dustiest Galactic S Stars: Mid-Infrared Spectra from SOFIA/FORCAST

Kuchar, T. A., Sloan, G. C., Mizuno, D. R., Kraemer, K. E., Boyer, M. L.,  Groenewegen, M. A. T., Jones, O. C., Kemper, F., McDonald, I., Oliveira, J. M., Sewiło, M., Srinivasan, S., van Loon, J. Th., & Zijlstra, A., 2024, Astron. J., 167 149, SMC-Last Extracted Photometry

Lewis, T. W. R., Sweeny, B. C., Viggiano, A. A., Shuman, N. S., & Ard, S. G., 2024, J. Phys. Chem. A, 128, 439, Temperature-Dependent Kinetics for the Reactions of Fen (n = 2–17) and FexNiy– (x + y = 3–9) with O2: Comparison of Pure and Mixed Metal Clusters with Relevance to Meteor Radio Afterglows and Surface Oxidation

Malagón-Romero, A., Luque, A., Shuman, N. S., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., 2024, Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL107990, Associative Electron Detachment in Sprites

Materassi, M., Migoya-Orué, Y., Radicella, S. M., Alberti, T., & Consolini, G., 2024, Atmosphere, 15, 84, Multi-Time-Scale Analysis of Chaos and Predictability in vTEC

Migoya-Orué, Y., Abe, O. E., & Radicella, S., 2024, Atmosphere, 15, 1098, Regional Spatial Mean of Ionospheric Irregularities Based on K-Means Clustering of ROTI Maps

Miller, T. M., Rodriguez, V. G., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2024, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 126101, Dissociative electron attachment and Ar+ reaction with chromium hexacarbonyl, 296-400 K

Pradipta, R., Huang, C., & Groves, K. M. 2024, JGR Sp. Phys., 129, e203JA031963, A 2-Dimensional Data Detrending
Technique for Equatorial Plasma Bubble Studies Using GOLD Far Ultraviolet Observations

Pradipta, R., & Lai, P.-C. 2024, Annales Geophys., 42, 301, Observations of ionospheric disturbances associated with the 2020 Beirut explosion by Defense Meteorological Satellite Program and ground-based ionosondes

Rodriguez, V. G., Lewis, T. W. R., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2024, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 506, 117345, Kinetics of N3+ and N4+ with N(4S), O(3P), and NO

Shuman, N. S., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., & Viggiano, A. A., 2024, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 114309, The associative ionization of N(2P) + O(3P)

Sloan, G. C., Kraemer, K. E., Aringer, B., Cami, J., Eriksson, K., Höfner, S., Lagadec, E., Matsuura, M., McDonald, I., Montiel, E., Sahai, R., & Zijlstra, A. A., 2024, Galaxies, 12, 61, Temporal Changes in the Infrared Spectra of Magellanic Carbon Stars

Sweeny, B. C., Ard, S. G., Viggiano, A. A., & Shuman, N. S., 2024, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 508, 117384, Activation of CH4 and C2H6 by Al2O2+ from 300 – 600 K

Webb, D. F., Emery, B. A., Gibson, S. E., Hewins, I. M., McFadden R. H., & Kuchar T. A., 2024, Sol. Phys., 299, 27, The Polar Field Reversal Process over Five Solar Cycles