All times are in Eastern Daylight Time = UTC-4
Talk Logistics
Science presentation slots are 20 minutes long, including the talk, Q&A, and transitions. Speakers should therefore plan to talk no more than 15 minutes.
- Presentations must be turned in to the conference staff prior to your session, deadlines below
- File format must be pdf or powerpoint; pdf is preferred.
- Please name your file: LastName_Day.pdf (or .pptx), e.g. Doherty_Monday.pdf
Talks need to be pre-loaded onto the lecture hall computer (no personal laptops allowed). If we do not receive your talk on time, it may be skipped.
Turn-In Deadlines:
Morning talks: turn in by 0830 EDT
Afternoon session 1: turn in by 1030 EDT
Afternoon session 2: turn in by 1300 EDT

Poster Session
Tuesday 1630-1900 EDT
An easel, a backboard, and pushpins will be provided for each poster.
The backboard is
Height x Width = 3ft x 4ft (~1m x 1.3m)
Light refreshments will be served.

Duck Tour Excursion
Wednesday afternoon
We have arranged a set of Duck Tours to see the sights of Boston through downtown and the Charles River on one of the most popular tours in Boston. https://bostonducktours.com/
Buses will leave BC at 1530 EDT and return at 1900 EDT. You can also explore more on your own and take the T or a rideshare back (but don't forget talks start up again at 0900 EDT Thursday morning!).

Symposium Dinner
Thursday evening 1830-2100 EDT
Join us for the symposium dinner in the Murray Room upstairs at BC's Yawkey Center. Enjoy good food, good conversation, and live Irish music.