Maloney Hall 338
Telephone: 617-552-3687
Email: peter.ireland@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-3223-1210
ECON3379.01 Financial Economics
ECON7720 Math for Economists
Access Working Papers and Published Works via RePEc
"The Barnett Critique After Three Decades: A New Keynesian Analysis", with Michael T. Belongia, 2014. Journal of Econometrics, 183, 5-21
"The Macroeconomic Effects of Interest on Reserves," 2014. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 18, 1271-1312
"Stochastic Growth in the United States and Euro Area," 2013. Journal of the European Economic Association, 11, 1-24
"A New Keynesian Perspective on the Great Recession," 2011. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 43, 31-54
"On the Welfare Cost of Inflation and the Recent Behavior of Money Demand," 2009. American Economic Review 99, 1040-1052
Working Paper 1078. Peter N. Ireland (Boston College), "Money in the Search for a Nominal Anchor", (07/2024; PDF)
Working Paper 976. Michael T. Belongia, University of Mississippi and Peter N. Ireland, "A Reconsideration of Money Growth Rules", (3/1/2019; PDF)
Working Paper 955. Michael T. Belongia, University of Mississippi and Peter N. Ireland, "Monetary Policy Lessons from the Greenbook", (07/2018; PDF)
Working Paper 938. Peter Ireland, "Allan Meltzer’s Model of the Transmission Mechanism and Its Implications for Today", (11/2017; PDF)
Working Paper 937. Michael T. Belongia, University of Mississippi and Peter N. Ireland, "The Demand for Divisia Money: Theory and Evidence", (11/2017; PDF)
Working Paper 933. Luca Benati, University of Bern, and Peter Ireland, “Money-Multiplier Shocks”, (8/1/17; PDF)
Working Paper 921. Michael T. Belongia, University of Mississippi, and Peter Ireland, "A Classical View of the Business Cycle" (11/2016; PDF)
Working Paper 913. Michael T. Belongia, University of Mississippi, and Peter N. Ireland, "Targeting Constant Money Growth at the Zero Lower Bound" (05/2016; PDF)
Working Paper 911. Michael T. Belongia, University of Mississippi, and Peter N. Ireland, "Circumventing the Zero Lower Bound with Monetary Policy Rules Based on Money" (05/2016; PDF)
Working Paper 882. Michael T. Belongia, University of Mississippi, and Peter Ireland, "The Evolution of US Monetary Policy: 2000-2007" (08/2015; PDF)
Working Paper 852. Peter Ireland, "Monetary Policy, Bond Risk Premia, and the Economy" (02/2014: PDF)
Working Paper 802. Michael Belongia (University of Mississippi) and Peter Ireland, "A "Working" Solution to the Question of Nominal GDP Targeting" (rev. 01/2013: PDF)
Working Paper 801. Michael Belongia (University of Mississippi) and Peter Ireland, "Quantitative Easing: Interest Rates and Money in the Measurement of Monetary Policy" (06/2012: PDF)
Working Paper 772. Peter Ireland, "The Macroeconomic Effects on Interest on Reserves" (02/2011, PDF)
Working Paper 763. Peter Ireland, "Theology, Economics, and Economic Development" (11/2010: PDF)