Maloney Hall 318
Telephone: 617-552-3693
Email: mehmet.ekmekci@bc.edu
Game Theory
"Auctions, Actions and the Failure of Information Aggregation," with Alp Atakan, 2014. American Economic Review, 104:7, 2014-2048
"Bargaining and Reputation in Search Markets," with Alp Atakan, 2014. Review of Economic Studies, 81:1, 1-29
"Reputation in Long-Run Relationships," with Alp Atakan, 2012. Review of Economic Studies, 79:2, 751-780
"Impermanent Types and Permanent Reputations," with Olivier Gossner and Andrea Wilson, 2012. Journal of Economic Theory, 147, 142-178
"Sustainable Reputations with Rating Systems," 2011. Journal of Economic Theory, 146, 2, 479-503