Maloney Hall 328
Telephone: 617-552-6042
Email: hanno.foerster@bc.edu
ECON8086 Labor Economics II
ECON3303 Economics of the Family
Access Working Papers and Published Works via RePEc
Working Paper 1082. Hanno Foerster (Boston College), Tim Obermeier (University of Leicester), Bastian Schulz (Aarhus University), "Job Displacement, Remarriage, and Marital Sorting", (09/2024; PDF)
Working Paper 1043. Hanno Foerster (Boston College), "Untying the Knot: How Child Support and Alimony Affect Couples’ Decisions and Welfare" (12/2023; PDF)
Working Paper 1042. Gerard van den Berg (University of Groningen), Hanno Foerster (Boston College), Arne Uhlendorff (CNRS), "A Structural Analysis of Vacancy Referrals with Imperfect Monitoring and the StrategicUse of Sickness Absence" (08/2021; PDF)
Working Paper 982. Hanno Foerster (Boston College). "The Impact of Post-Marital Maintenance on Dynamic Decisions and Welfare of Couples", (9/2019; PDF)