Beyond Ignorance, Hostility, and Fear: Organizing for Justice by Embracing Religious and Ethnic Passion

John Baumann, S.J.
PICO Network
Date: October 3, 2013
Co-sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry, the Boisi Center, the Boston College Theology Department, the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, and the Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics.
In 1972, Jesuit Father John Baumann founded PICO National Network, which has become one of the largest networks of community organizations in the world. Recognizing that religious difference can lead to hostility and violence, in this lecture Fr. Baumann tells how directly engaging local faith communities across religious and ethnic boundaries addresses justice issues, creates solidarity, and improves quality of life for all.
Speaker Bio
John Baumann, S.J., is founding director and director of special projects, PICO National Network.