Fall 2017 Events

The Challenge of Charlottesville: Race, Religion and Public Monuments
M. Shawn Copeland, Boston College
Patricia DeLeeuw, Boston College
Craig A. Ford Jr., Boston College
Heather Cox Richardson, Boston College
Martin Summers, Boston College
Mark Massa, S.J., Boston College (Moderator)
September 26, 2017

Land O' Lakes at 50: The State of Catholic Higher Education
Various Speakers and Panelists
October 11, 2017

RIKERS: An American Jail
A Film by Bill Moyers
Featuring panelists Tom Lynes, Marina McCoy (Boston College), Stephen Pope (Boston College), and Joli Sparkman. Moderated by Erik Owens (Boston College).
October 23, 2017

U.S. Foreign Policy After ISIS
Glenn Carle, Author and Former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Transnational Threats, National Intelligence Council
October 30, 2017

What’s Wrong with the New Genealogy of Religious Freedom?
David Decosimo, Boston University
November 2, 2017

Educating for Modern Democracy
Featuring plenary sessions with Charles Taylor and José Casanova (with Erik Owens moderating), Charles Mathewes, David Campbell, George Yancy, Eduardo Mendieta, Judith Green, and Candace Vogler.
November 7-10, 2017

Responding to the Global Refugee Crisis at BC and Beyond
November 13-16, 2017
The Refugee Project is a collaboration with colleagues at Harvard Divinity School, the American Academy of Religion, and Shared Studios (with funding from the Henry Luce Foundation), in the Boston area November 4-20, 2017.