BC campus view


"I love getting to meet so many people who are looking into graduate studies at Boston College by giving them tours of the school! In this role I am able to walk with and support people in their discernment as they get acquainted with the campus. It is always special when we are able to connect about various passions and experiences even when our program interests differ. Working with graduate enrollment also allows me the opportunity to know the broader campus in a new way and meet so many people outside of the CSTM community!"

-Molly Snakenberg, M.A. '26; Graduate Assistant with Graduate Enrollment Management

"I am blessed to work at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, as I both take classes and work in Simboli Hall. My favorite part of the job is interacting with my co-workers, whether they be priests, scholars, or administrators. Working for the IAJS, each day I am accumulating so much knowledge about Ignatian Spirituality and my Catholic Faith. My work at the IAJS trains me to be both a better administrator and a more spiritual formed minister."

-Andrew Colliton, M.Div. '27; Graduate Research Assistant at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

symphony members

"Teaching and performing with the students of the Boston College Symphony Orchestra has been a deeply inspiring and rewarding experience. In these short months, I have had the opportunity to be mentored by our fantastic orchestral Director and meet other faculty at the Music Department, while mentoring the younger students and providing them guidance and support in their musical journeys. I am blown away by the talent, dedication, and commitment of these student musicians and of the deep care and service of the faculty members I've encountered.  As a professional violinist, I feel a deep call to bridge the two worlds of theology and classical music and combine the transformative theological insights I've learned into performance practice for artists, bringing the Church to the world. This position continues to remind me of the abundant blessing of each person I meet, and how amazing it is that shared musical experiences create such special moments for spirituality, transcendence, and community."

-Alessia Disimino, M.T.S. '26; Teaching Assistant for Boston College Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Music