Email: jenna.strauss@bc.edu
ORCID 0009-0004-8591-8765
School Social Work
Mental health policy and practice in school settings
Child and adolescent development
Neighborhood effects
School mental health worker wellbeing
Jenna Strauss is a PhD candidate and Graduate Research Assistant at the Boston College School of Social Work. She is a school social worker who is specialized in supporting middle school students and their families. In her most recent direct service role, Jenna served her school community by providing individual and group counseling, spearheading school-wide initiatives, cultivating community partnerships, and supporting the school community through various liaison roles and committee chair positions.
Over six years, Jenna’s experience serving her Brooklyn public school community deepened her interest in examining the different factors, both in and out of school, affecting adolescent outcomes. Her current research centers on the intersection of the neighborhood environment and adolescents’ school experiences.
Jenna is also interested in burnout and vicarious trauma among school mental health workers, and educational infrastructure that best supports worker well-being and student outcomes.
Carolyn Thomas Doctoral Fellowship, 2023-2024
School Social Worker, 2016-2022