More than 30 students, faculty, and staff at the Boston College School of Social Work will showcase their research at the 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research.
The conference will take place at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C., from Wednesday, January 10 to Sunday, January 14. BCSSW will host a reception for attendees on Friday, January 12 at 8:15 p.m. at the Marriott in Independence Ballroom Salon A on Meeting Level 4.
SSWR, a nonprofit founded in 1994, promotes research that fosters a diverse, just, and equitable society. The theme of its conference this year is “Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science.”
BCSSW researchers will present work on a range of topics at the event, including adverse childhood experiences, substance use, and the interpersonal theory of suicide.
Here’s the list of presenters and links to summaries of their research projects:
Day: Thursday, January 11
Type of presentation: Interactive Pre-Conference Workshop
Title of project: Research Priorities and Capacity Building for Diverse Faculty Scholars in Social Work
BCSSW contributors: Ahearn Endowed Professor Karen Bullock
Day: Thursday, January 11
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Relational Empowerment Moderates the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Parenting Efficacy in Immigrant Parents
BCSSW contributors: Postdoctoral Fellow In Young Park, Doctoral Candidate Natalie Grafft, and Associate Dean for Research Kirsten Davison
Day: Thursday, January 11
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Men's Traditional and Expanded ACEs: Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence and Long-Term Consequences
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral Candidate Natalie Grafft, Postdoctoral Fellow In Young Park, Associate Professor Scott Easton, and Associate Dean for Research Kirsten Davison
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: Health Equity By 2030: Sustainable Development Goals and Social Work Researchers' Insights
BCSSW contributors: Professor Shanta Pandey, Doctoral Candidate Ty Tucker, Ahearn Endowed Professor Karen Bullock, Doctoral Candidate Barbara Campos-Mendez, Doctoral Candidate Oladoyin Okunoren, and Assistant Professor of the Practice Indrani Saran
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Special Interest Group
Title of project: Policy Research & Social Work
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Vincent Fusaro
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Special Interest Group
Title of project: Strength Based Approaches to Studying Black Youth
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Ed-Dee Williams
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Roundtable
Title of project: Examining a Community-Based Approach to Assessing the Prevalence and Impact of Exposure to Perceived Racism-Based Police Involved Interactions for Black and Latinx Emerging Adults
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Robert Motley, Jr., Professor Christopher Salas-Wright, and MSW Student Mattie Harris
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Roundtable
Title of project: Routes to Power and Impact: Community-Engaged Neighborhood Research across Methods, Career Stages, and Scales
BCSSW contributors: Associate Professor Samantha Teixeira and Doctoral Student Jenna Strauss
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: The Burden of Not Belonging: Grounding the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in the Voices of Latinx and Black Youth
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Carolina Vélez-Grau
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Latinx Sexual Minorities, Linguistic Acculturation, and Behavioral Health: A Healthy Migrant Effect?
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral Candidate James Hodges and Professor Christopher Salas-Wright
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Housing Hardship and Adolescent Academic Outcomes: Examining the Role of School Mobility
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor of the Practice Indrani Saran, Housing Hardship Program Director Jessica Johnson, and Assistant Professor Vincent Fusaro
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Breaking Down Barriers: Understanding the Key Factors That Shape the Quality of Life for Venezuelan Migrants before, during, and after Resettling in Colombia
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Mafe Piñeros-Leaño
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Associations between Women’s Race/Ethnicity, Self-Reported Substance Use, and Health Care Providers’ Screening for Substance Use during Pregnancy
BCSSW contributors: Professor Summer Hawkins and Professor Christopher Salas-Wright
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Strengthening Organizational Resilience and Equity at the Workplace: Exploring the Role of Social Work Professions in Supporting Nonprofits
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral Candidate Patrick Ho Lam Lai, Assistant Professor Samuely Bradley, Jr., Faculty Fellow Kathleen Christensen, and Professor Emerita Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Withdrawn at Home, Withdrawn from School: The Relationship between Internalizing Behaviors and School Attendance in Young Public Housing Residents
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral Student Jenna Strauss and Associate Professor Samantha Teixeira
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Opioid Misuse and Associated Health Risks Among Adults on Probation and Parole: Prevalence and Correlates 2015-2020
BCSSW contributors: Professor Christopher Salas-Wright
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Traumatic Events, and Mental Health Among Adults at Two Outpatient Psychiatric Facilities in Johannesburg, South Africa: A Sex-Disaggregated Cross-Sectional Analysis
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor William Byansi
Day: Friday, January 12
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: A Short-Term Evaluation of No-Hit-Zone Policy Training for Medical Professionals and Staff: An Innovative Strategy to Change Social Norms about Physical Punishment
BCSSW contributors: Professor Catherine Taylor
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: Crisis Migration and Cultural Stress: Exploring the Experiences of Hurricane Maria Migrants on the United States Mainland
BCSSW contributors: Professor Christopher Salas-Wright, Assistant Professor Mafe Piñeros-Leaño, and Doctoral Candidate James Hodges
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Special Interest Group
Title of project: Advancing Latinx-Focused Research
BCSSW contributors: Professor Rocío Calvo
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Types of Racism-Based Experiences and Suicide Risk Among Black Emerging Adults
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Robert Motley Jr.
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Creating Supervision Hubs for Culturally-Concordant Clinical Supervision for Latinx Clients in the United States
BCSSW contributors: Professor Rocío Calvo, Doctoral Candidate James Hodges, and Latinx Leadership Initiative Assistant Director Ximena Soto
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Barriers and Facilitators to Healthcare and Treatment Engagement Among Women of Childbearing Age Living with Chronic Pain: A Scoping Study
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral Student Samantha McKetchnie, Assistant Professor Maggi Price, and Associate Professor Scott Easton
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Profiles of Black Emerging Adults Exposure to Racism-Based Police Violence and Associated Mental Health Outcomes: A Cluster Analysis Approach
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Robert Motley Jr.
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Health Impact of Racial Discrimination in African Immigrants: An Integrative Review
BCSSW contributors: MSW Student Jamelia Willock and Assistant Professor Robert Motley Jr.
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Navigating Language Barriers in Health Care for Older Hispanic Immigrants: A Qualitative Exploration
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral Candidate James Hodges and Professor Rocío Calvo
Day: Saturday, January 13
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Experiences of Direct Violence Among Venezuelan Migrant Women Resettling in Colombia
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Mafe Piñeros-Leaño
Day: Sunday, January 14
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: Sustainable Development Goals: Social Work Research Insights
BCSSW contributors: Professor Shanta Pandey, Assistant Professor Mafe Piñeros-Leaño, Assistant Professor Praveen Kumar, Doctoral Student Spencer Sandberg, Doctoral Candidate Elizabeth Klein, Doctoral Candidate Oladoyin Okunoren, and Professor Thomas Crea
Day: Sunday, January 14
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: Conceptualizing Black Boys' Mental Health Help-Seeking Behaviors As a Social Process
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Ed-Dee Williams
Day: Sunday, January 14
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Childhood Sexual Abuse and Long-Term Physical Health in Older Adulthood
BCSSW contributors: Associate Professor Scott Easton and Doctoral Student Samantha McKetchnie
Day: Sunday, January 14
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Decomposing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Food Hardship during the COVID-19 Pandemic
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Vincent Fusaro
Day: Sunday, January 14
Type of presentation: Oral Presentation
Title of project: Mental Health Experiences of Venezuelan Immigrant Caregivers in Colombia
BCSSW contributors: Assistant Professor Mafe Piñeros-Leaño
Day: Sunday, January 14
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Quick Parenting Assessment (QPA): Validation Replication and Extension of a Novel Screening Tool to Support Parents
BCSSW contributors: Professor Catherine Taylor