Telephone: 207-282-5966
Email: prescoda@bc.edu
Dana E. Prescott has been licensed to practice law since 1983 in federal and state courts in Maine and Massachusetts and is a partner with Prescott, Jamieson, & Murphy Law Group LLC, Maine.
He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and the International Academy of Family Lawyers, and a rostered GAL in Maine.
He holds an MSW from the Boston College School of Social Work and a Ph.D. in social work from Simmons University and is an adjunct faculty in social welfare policy at the Boston College School of Social Work, and was an Instructor, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2017-2020).
He currently serves on the Board and as President of the National Organization of Forensic Social Work and is co-editor of the Journal of the AAML. He may also be contacted at dana@southernmainelaw.com
Garber, B.D., Prescott, D.E., & Mulchay, C. (2022). The family law professional’s field guide to high-conflict litigation: Dynamics, not diagnoses. American Bar Association.
Rogerson, C.V., Howard, H., & Prescott D.E. (2024). A look at values, bias, & ethics. In Rogerson, C.V. & Vandergrift, K.F. (Eds.), Introduction to Social Justice. CA: Cognella.
Prescott, D.E. (2023). Older adults in forensic settings. In McLeod, D.A., Natale, A.P., & Whitehill Bolton, K. (Eds.), The handbook of forensic social work. Oxford University Press.
Prescott, D. E. (2022). Weaponizing clinical mental health in family justice courts: Ethical and legal minefields. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 6, 22-42.
McEwen, C., & Prescott, D.E. (2022). Adverse Childhood Experiences and COVID-19: Implications for family courts and legal professionals. Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 34, 409-438.
Rogerson C.V., Prescott, D.E., & Howard, H.G. (2021) Teaching social work students the influence of explicit and implicit bias: Promoting ethical reflection in practice. Social Work Education: The International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2021.1910652
Sol Gothard Lifetime Achievement Award, National Organization of Forensic Social Workers (2017).
Board Member, National Organization of Forensic Social Workers (2018-present; Vice-President, 2019-2021; President-Elect, 2021-2022; President, 2022-present). Board of Directors, Caring Unlimited, York County’s Domestic Violence Program (2004-present). Fellow, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (1990-present; Co-Editor, Journal of the AAML, 2020-present; AAML Journal Board of Editors, 2009-present; Co-Chair, Legislation Committee, 2012-2020; President, AAML Northeast Chapter, 2016-2018). Fellow, International Academy of Family Lawyers (2010-present; Board of Governors, USA Chapter Delegate, 2016-2017). Guardian ad Litem Review Board, Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar, appointed Chair by Maine Supreme Judicial Court (2015-2021, term limits).