Associate Professor of the Practice; Associate Director, International Studies Program
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Connolly House 203
300 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Telephone: 617-552-4892
Email: hiroshi.nakazato@bc.edu
Professor Nakazato is Associate Director of the International Studies Program at Boston College.
Apart from day-to-day administrative work, he serves as the Thesis Coordinator for IS majors writing senior theses, supervises independent research work and teaches courses in international politics (INTL 2500 Introduction to International Studies; INTL 2546 World Politics), public international law (INTL/POLI 3521 International Law), security studies, and research methods (INTL 3540 Research Methods in International Studies). His research interests include international relations theory and U.S. civil-military relations. He is a member of the International Studies Academic Board.