Stokes Hall 337N
Telephone: 617-552-3892
Email: stephen.pope.1@bc.edu
Introduction to Christian Theology I and II
Personal and Social Responsibility I and II
Seminar: Faith, Peace and Justice
Prophets and Peacemakers
Christian Social Ethics
Ethics of St. Thomas Aquinas
Love and Human Nature
Science and Theological Ethics
Christian Love
The Virtues
The Challenge of Peace
The Challenge of Justice
After Wrongdoing
Faith, Service and Solidarity
Christian ethics and evolutionary theory
Love and justice in contemporary Christian ethics
Charity and natural law in Aquinas
Roman Catholic social teachings
A Step Along the Way: Models of Christian Service (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Press, 2015)
Articles and chapters in books:
“Does Cosmic Evolution Have a Purpose? William Stoeger’s Account of ‘Nested Directionality,’” Theological Studies, 78.2 (June 2017):462-482.
“Christian Love as Friendship: Engaging the Thomistic Tradition,” in Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society, ed. Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrells (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2016), 210-225.
Co-author Michael Wahl, “The Use of Psychology in Ethics: Exemplarist Moral Theory and Thomistic Virtue Ethics,” Journal of Philosophy, Theology, and the Sciences 5.2 (2018):181-215.
“Christocentric Exemplarism and the Imitation of Jesus,” New Blackfriars (August, 2018)
“Integral Human Development: From Paternalism to Accompaniment,” Theological Studies 80.1 (March, 2019):123-147
Co-authored with Janine Geske, “Anger, Forgiveness, and Restorative Justice in Light of Clerical Sexual Abuse and Its Cover-up,” Theological Studies 80.3 (June, 2019):611-631.