McGuinn Hall 417
Telephone: 617-552-0495
Email: natalia.sarkisian@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-3842-0778
SOCY1008 - Marriage and the Family
SOCY3361 - Family and Work
SOCY7704 - Regression Models for Categorical Data
SOCY7705 - Advanced Statistics
SOCY7706 - Longitudinal Data Analysis
SOCY7708 - Hierarchical Linear Modeling
SOCY7709 - Quantitative Data Management
Family sociology. Aging and the life course. Quantitative methods. Sex and gender. Race/ethnicity. Race, gender, and class.
Natalia Sarkisian's research utilizes her expertise in quantitative methodologies to examine variation in extended family experiences by race/ethnicity, social class, gender, age, and marital status. This research has been published in Social Forces, American Sociological Review, Journal of Marriage and Family, Contexts, and Family Relations, as well as summarized for undergraduate audiences in Sarkisian’s recent book, Nuclear Family Values, Extended Family Lives: The Importance of Gender, Race, and Class (Routledge, 2012). Her other recent publications examine the effects of the timing of retirement on subjective physical and emotional health, investigate the influence of ethnicity on older American Indian patients’ interpretations of healthcare providers’ affective behavior, and assess whether “holistic spirituality” promotes individualistic withdrawal or fosters social engagement. In addition, in 2008-2011, she was a co-Principal Investigator on a cross-national study of age and employment, funded by the Sloan Foundation.
Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Russell Sage Foundation. 2011-2012.
Oliver Cromwell Cox Article Award, Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities, American Sociological Association. “Street Men, Family Men: Race and Men’s Extended Family Involvement.” (Social Forces, December 2007). 2008.
Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Article Award. Race, Gender, and Class Section, American Sociological Association. “Extended Family Integration Among Euro and Mexican Americans: Ethnicity, Gender, and Class.” (Journal of Marriage and Family, February 2007, with Mariana Gerena and Naomi Gerstel.) 2008.
Faculty Fellowship, Boston College. Project title: “Nuclear and Extended Family Ties: Cooperation or Competition?” 2007-2008.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter International Award for Research Excellence in Families and Work. Center for Families at Purdue University and the Boston College Center for Work & Family. “Explaining the Gender Gap in Help to Parents: The Importance of Employment.” (Journal of Marriage and Family, May 2004, with Naomi Gerstel.) 2005.
Junior Faculty Fellowship, College of Arts and Sciences, Boston College. 2005-2007.
Calvo, Esteban, Natalia Sarkisian, and Christopher R. Tamborini. 2013. “Causal Effects of Retirement Timing on Subjective Well-being: The Role of Cultural Norms and Institutional Policies.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 68, 1 (January), 73-84.
Sarkisian, Natalia, and Naomi Gerstel. 2012. Nuclear Family Values, Extended Family Lives: The Importance of Gender, Race, and Class. New York: Routledge.
Garroutte, Eva Marie, Natalia Sarkisian, and Sergey Karamnov. 2012. “Affective Interactions in Medical Visits: Ethnic Differences among American Indian Older Adults.” Journal of Aging and Health, 24, 7 (October), 1223-1251.
Oh, Seil, and Natalia Sarkisian. 2012. “Spiritual Individualism or Engaged Spirituality? Social Implications of Holistic Spirituality among Mind-Body-Spirit Practitioners.” Sociology of Religion, 73, 3(Autumn), 299-322.
Collins, Amy L., Natalia Sarkisian, and Ellen Winner. 2009. "Flow and Happiness in Later Life: An Investigation into the Role of Daily and Weekly Flow Experiences." Journal of Happiness Studies, 10, 6 (December), 703-709.
Garroutte, Eva, Natalia Sarkisian, Dedra Buchwald, Jack Goldberg, and Jan Beals. 2008. "Perceptions of Medical Interaction between Providers and American Indian Older Adults." Social Science and Medicine, 67, 4 (August), 546-556.
Sarkisian, Natalia, and Naomi Gerstel. 2008. "Till Marriage Do Us Part: Adult Children's Relationships with Parents." Journal of Marriage and Family, 70, 2 (May), 360-376.
Sarkisian, Natalia. 2008. "Neural Networks as an Emergent Method in Quantitative Research: An Example of Self-Organizing Maps." Pp. 625-654 in Sharlene Hesse-Biber and Patricia Leavy (Eds.), The Handbook of Emergent Methods. New York: Guilford Press.
Sarkisian, Natalia. 2007. "Street Men, Family Men: Race and Men's Extended Family Involvement." Social Forces, 86, 2 (December), 763-794.
Sarkisian, Natalia, Mariana Gerena, and Naomi Gerstel. 2007. "Extended Family Integration among Euro and Mexican Americans: Ethnicity, Gender, and Class." Journal of Marriage and Family, 69, 1 (February), 40-54.
Gerstel, Naomi, and Natalia Sarkisian. 2006. "Marriage: The Good, the Bad, and the Greedy." Contexts, 5, 4 (November), 16-21.
Sarkisian, Natalia, Mariana Gerena, and Naomi Gerstel. 2006. "Extended Family Ties among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Whites: Superintegration or Disintegration?" Family Relations, 55, 3 (July), 331-344.
Sarkisian, Natalia, and Naomi Gerstel. 2004. "Kin Support Among Blacks and Whites: Race and Family Organization." American Sociological Review, 69, 4 (December), 812-837.
Sarkisian, Natalia, and Naomi Gerstel. 2004. "Explaining the Gender Gap in Help to Parents: The Importance of Employment." Journal of Marriage and Family, 66, 2 (May), 431-451.
Sarkisian, Natalia, Mariana Gerena, and Naomi Gerstel. 2006. "Extended Family Ties among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Whites: Superintegration or Disintegration?" Family Relations, 55, 3 (July), 331-344.
Sarkisian, Natalia, and Naomi Gerstel. 2004. "Kin Support Among Blacks and Whites: Race and Family Organization." American Sociological Review, 69, 4 (December), 812-837.
Sarkisian, Natalia, and Naomi Gerstel. 2004. "Explaining the Gender Gap in Help to Parents: The Importance of Employment." Journal of Marriage and Family, 66, 2 (May), 431-451.