Lyons Hall 307A
Telephone: 617-552-3828
Email: begginsso@bc.edu
Spanish Applied Linguistics, Spanish Language Teaching and Learning, Second Language Acquisition, L2 Learner Investment, The Role of Technology in Second Language Acquisition, Cognitive and Sociocultural Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, Task-Based Language Teaching.
"An Activity Theory Approach to Learner Participation in the Online, L2 Classroom Context." Paper presented at Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Conference. Boston, MA, March, 2024.
with Toth P., "The impact of online instruction on L2 identity and investment in imagined communities." Paper presented at the annual American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Pittsburgh, PA, March 202.
"Measuring student perception on the effectiveness ofauthentic audiovisual materials on Spanish L2 vocabulary acquisition." Paper presented at the annual World Conference of the Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). Virtual, August, 2021.