Lyons Hall 204C
Telephone: 617-552-8497
Email: kevin.newmark@bc.edu
Nineteenth and twentieth-century prose and poetry; literary theory, and the relations between literature and philosophy.
Irony on Occasion: From Schlegel and Kierkegaard to Derrida and de Man. New York: Fordham University Press, 2012.
Beyond Symbolism: Textual History and the Future of Reading. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.
Time for Baudelaire (Poetry, Theory, History), Special Co-Editor and Contributor, Yale French Studies 125 & 126, 2014.
Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism: The Gauss Seminar and Other Papers, by Paul de Man, ed. with E.S. Burt and Andrzej Warminski. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993, (Paperback reprint, 1996).
Aparté: Conceptions and Deaths of Søren Kierkegaard, by Sylviane Agacinski, translation from the French with Critical Introduction and Notes. Tallahassee: Florida State Press, 1988.
Phantom Proxies: Symbolism and the Rhetoric of History, Special Editor and Contributor, Yale French Studies 74, 1988.
“Paul de Man,” in Dictionnaire Maurice Blanchot, eds. Michael Holland and Hannes Opelz, Paris: Classiques Garnier, forthcoming, 2024.
“Parting Ways: With Werner Hamacher,” Cultural Critique, No. 118, Winter, 2023, 172-216.
“Baudelaire’s Other Passer-by,” in Baudelaire and Other People, eds. Maria Scott and Alexandra Wettlauffer, L’Esprit Créateur, 58:1, 2018, 17-31.
“Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Baudelaire’s Modernité," Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 44:1-2, November, 2015, 1-24.
“Reading as a Desperate Practice,” in Poets as Readers, eds. Joseph Acquisto, Adrianna Paliyenko, and Catherine Witt. London: Institute of Modern Languages Research, Fall, 2015, 227-45.
“For When the Time Comes: Poetry, Prose, Mourning,” Yale French Studies (co-editor of special double issue, Time for Baudelaire), 125 & 126, 2014, 200-217.
“Responding To/Answering For: The Secret,” by Jacques Derrida. Translation from the French. In Yale French Studies (Special Double Issue: Time for Baudelaire), 125 & 126, 2014, 7-29.
"To Keep Intact the Secret: Sylviane Agacinski: Reading Kierkegaard," in Kierkegaard’s Influence on Philosophy: Francophone Philosophy, ed. Jon Stewart. Abington, Oxon: Ashgate Press, 2012, 1-21.
"Inscribing the Political: Paul de Man and the Wild Art of Letter Writing," in The Political Archive of Paul de Man: Property, Sovereignty and the Theotropic, ed. Martin McQuillan. Edinburgh and New York: Edinburgh University Press/Columbia University Press, 2012, 91-102.
"A Poetics of Sharing: Political Economy in a Prose Poem by Baudelaire," Symposium: The Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, special Issue devoted to the work of Jacques Rancière, Guest Editor, Joseph Tanke, 15:2, Fall, 2011, 57-81.
"Who Needs Poetry? Baudelaire, Benjamin, and the Modernity of 'Le Cygne,'" Comparative Literature, 63:3, Summer, 2011, 269-290.
"Dark Freedom: On J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace," in Experiences of Freedom in Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures, ed. Annalisa Oboe and Shaul Bassi. New York: Routledge Press, 2011, 296-306.
"Bewildering: Paul de Man, Poetry, Politics," MLN (Comparative Literature), 124:5, December, 2009, 1048-1071.
"L'horizon du savoir: Emma Bovary comme modèle esthétique de la réception chez H.R. Jauss," Madame Bovary et les Savoirs, ed. Pierre-Louis Rey and Gisèle Séginger. Paris: Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne-nouvelle, 2009, 303-311.
"Tongue-tied: What Albert Camus' Fiction Couldn't Teach us about Ethics and Politics," in Albert Camus in the 21st Century. Eds. Christine Margerrison, Mark Orme, and Lissa Lincoln. Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, 2008, 107-120.
“Kierkegaard’s Poetic Exemplars,” Bi-weekly International Workshop (Zoom) on Kierkegaard’s four “Discourses on the Lilies and the Birds,” September-December, 2022.
“Prose-Poetry and the Right to a Modern Death: Baudelaire’s "Une Mort héroïque, ”Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Georgetown University, November, 2021.
“Madame Bovary: le rien, l’ironie et la bêtise," Guest Lecture, Seminar: “Pour une contre-modernité critique du dix-neuvième siècle," Department of French and Italian, Dartmouth College, April, 2021.
“Je dis: une fleur! ellipsis…," Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Florida State University, November, 2019.
“I say a flower—Mallarmé, Blanchot, and the deadly power of language," Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers, College of the Holy Cross, October, 2019
“Shineless: Starring Baudelaire," Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, UC Riverside and Scripps College, October, 2018.
“The Personalization of Power: An Im-Personal Perspective," Venice International University, October, 2017.
“Baudelaire’s Other Passer-by," Department of French, Yale University, April, 2017.
“Baudelaire and Other People,” Round-Table Discussion, Society of Dix-Neuviémistes, University of Kent, Canterbury, England, April, 2017.
“Baudelaire’s Providence: ‘Les Sept vieillards’," Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Brown University, October, 2016.
“Spectral Bodies: Baudelaire’s ‘Les Sept vieillards’," Society of Dix-Neuviémistes, University of Kent/Reid Hall, Paris, April 2016.
“Paul de Man and ‘The Concept of Irony.’” Guest Lecture, Seminar: “Postmoderne und Dekonstruktion in Deutschland?,” Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, March 22, 2016.
"Allegory in Tatters: 'Les Sept Vieillards," Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Princeton University, November, 2015.
“Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Baudelaire’s Modernité, Leslie Center for the Humanities, Dartmouth College, October, 2015.
“Getting Out of Hand: Baudelaire’s Thyrse," Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, University of San Juan, October, 2014.
“Allegorical Capital,” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, New York University, March, 2014.
“What do we mean when we say ‘allegory?’,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, University of Richmond, October, 2013.
“Irony on Occasion: Beginning with Kierkegaard,” Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University, February 19, 2013.
“Poetry, Prose, Penury: What You See is What You Don’t Get in Baudelaire’s ‘Yeux des Pauvres,’ ” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, North Carolina State University, October, 2012.
“Unbelievable: Jacques Derrida and ‘Religion,’ ” Conference Organizer, Boston College, April 26-27, 2012.
“The Unspeakable Secret: Traumatic Blanks in the Testimony of Maurice Blanchot” Boston College Conference, “After the Unthinkable: Trauma, Nachträglichkeit, and Coming to Terms," Boston College, March, 2012.
“ ‘Prosaic Modes of Language Power’: How Paul de Man Taught Us to Read Baudelaire,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Yale University, New Haven, October, 2010.
“Thinking Poorly: Some Wan Reflections of the Political in Baudelaire’s Poetry” MLA Conferene, Philadelphia, December, 2009.
“The Prose in Baudelaire’s Poetry: Two Petits Poèmes en Prose,” seminar sponsored by the Departments of Comparative Literature and French, Emory University, November, 13 2009.
“Who Needs Poetry? Baudelaire, Benjamin, and the Modernity of ‘Le Cygne’,” lecture sponsored by the Departments of Comparative Literature and French, Emory University, 12 November, 2009.
“Death in Venice: How the Arts put Society at Risk,” The Arts in Society: 4th International Conference, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, Italy, July, 2009.
“Bewildering: the Passage from Language to Politics in the Writing of Paul de Man,” lecture sponsored by the U.K. Arts and Humanities Research Council, International Conference, “Paul de Man’s Political Archive,” University of California Irvine, April, 2009.
“Dark Freedom: On J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace,” EACLALS Triennial Conference, “Try Freedom,” Venice International University, San Servolo, Venice, March, 2008.