Stokes Hall S369
Telephone: 617-552-0563
Email: thomas.kaplan-maxfield.1@bc.edu
UNCP 5517: Love and Indoctrination
Nonfiction Writing; Fiction Writing; Science Fiction; Gothic Fiction
Thomas Kaplan-Maxfield (TKM) specializes in Love, teaching the only classes at BC dedicated to this most basic of human phenomena (as both a Literature Core course and a Capstone seminar). He is a novelist and teaches nonfiction writing classes at the first-year and senior levels (First-Year Writing Seminar and Creative Nonfiction). TKM also teaches science fiction and detective fiction, including gothic fiction.
TKM has taught in both the Cornerstone and Capstone programs for at least ten years. For Cornerstone, he teaches the Freshman Topic Seminar Indoctrination in Film, and for Capstone, he teaches Love and Indoctrination.
As a fiction writer he has published a series of novels set on the BC campus called Adventures on the Heights, including Grail Mysterium, Satanis Mysterium, and the upcoming Tempus Mysterium. Other novels include Memoirs of a Shape-shifter (2006) and Hide and Seek (2009).
His office is located geographically at the antipodes of the English Department office.
Satanis Mysterium, Ad adventure on the Heights, Fall 2016, Kepler Press.
Grail Mysterium (An Adventure on the Heights), Kepler Press,
February 2012.
Hide and Seek: A Murder Mystery, (Kindle Edition), February 2011.
Memoirs of a Shape-Shifter, Kepler Press, October 2005.