Stokes Hall S450
Telephone: 617-552-0566
Email: garciaki@bc.edu
Fiction Workshop
Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Introductory Creative Writing Workshop
Poetry; Creative Nonfiction
Kim Garcia is the author of The Brighter House, winner of the White Pine Poetry Prize, DRONE, winner of the Backwaters Prize, Madonna Magdalene, and Tales of the Sisters, winner of the 2015 Sow’s Ear Poetry Review Chapbook Prize. Her poems have appeared in diverse journals including IMAGE, Southern Review, New Ohio Review, Mid-American Review, Colorado Review, Crab Orchard Review, Crazyhorse, and Mississippi Review, and have been featured on The Writer’s Almanac.
Kim teaches fiction, creative nonfiction and introductory creative writing workshops. From 2014 to 2016 she directed the Clough Center Arts & Democracy series, through which she brought to campus artists and writers such as Edward Hirsch, Jill Lepore, Kevin Young, Liza Lou, Lawrence Weschler, Gish Jen, Ramiro Gomez and Eavan Boland for discussions on the role of the arts in sustaining the culture of democracy.
In addition to receiving the Tupelo Broadside Prize, the Dogwood Literary Prize, and the Lynda Hull Memorial Prize (judged by CD Wright), among others, Kim has received numerous Hambidge Center Fellowships, and frequently serves on their selection committee.
A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Reed College, Kim holds an M.A. in Fiction from the Florida State University, and an M.F.A. in Poetry from the Houston Writing Program.