Lyons 210
Telephone: 617-552-3916
Email: fang.lu@bc.edu
Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature and Culture
Comparative Literature and Cross-cultural Literary Translation and Adaptation
Chinese Diaspora and Asian North American Literature
Second Language Acquisition
Fang Lu has taught Chinese literature, language, and culture at universities across China, Europe, Canada, and the US. Her academic interests include modern Chinese literature and culture, comparative literature, translingual literary practice, and second language acquisition. Her research articles have been published in a number of academic journals, including Literary Review (文学评论), The Translator, Minima Sinica, and Translation Review. Her publications also include literary translations, personal essays, and edited books. Currently, she is working on a book manuscript on the bilingual modern Chinese writer/thinker/translator Lin Yutang.
“最明亮的黄昏—读诗人任洪渊的自传 《他从几代人身旁走过》” (“The Brightest Sunset—On Poet Ren Hongyuan’s Memoir He Has Walked Alongside Several Generations”),《一个人的创世纪》(A Poet’s Genesis , ed. Jing Li). Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House (2022).
“中国‘茶花’美国开—林语堂跨文化重塑 《杜十娘》 的动因与策略” (“Chinese Camellia Blossoms in America—A Case Study of Lin Yutang’s Rewriting of Du Shiniang”),《林语堂的跨文化遗产》(The Cross-cultural Legacy of Lin Yutang in China and America, ed. S. Qian). Guangxi Normal University Press (2021).
“林语堂烹饪美学的多重世界” ( “The Several Worlds of Lin Yutang’s Gastronomy”), a book chapter by Charles W. Hayford, translated by Fang Lu,《林语堂的跨文化遗产》(The Cross-cultural Legacy of Lin Yutang in China and America, ed. S. Qian). Guangxi Normal University Press (2021).
《迷失在翻译中:在一种语言里新生的故事 》(Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language), a literary memoir by Eva Hoffman, translated by Fang Lu. Joint Publishing (2020). 391 pages.
Reconstructing the Image of a Chinese Courtesan for Western Readers—Lin Yutang’s ‘Miss Du’ and his Cross-cultural Rewriting Strategies, The Cross-cultural Legacy of Lin Yutang in China and America, S. Qian (ed.), University of California Berkely Press (2016)
Yun, One of the Loveliest Women in Chinese Literature—Why Lin Yutang Translated Six Chapters of a Floating Life, Minima Sinica, 2/13 (Fall, 2013)
Wild Orchid in a Secluded Valley: A Positive Image of Chinese Womanhood in Lin Yutang’s “A Nun of Taishan”, Culture in Translation: Reception of Chinese Literature in the World, K. Chan et al (eds.), OUHK Press (2012)
The Afterlife of the Six Chapter of the Floating Life—A Comparative Study of Three English Translations of Shen Fu’s Memoir “Fu sheng liu ji,” Translation Review, issue 80, (Fall, 2010)
Translation, Manipulation and the Transfer of Negative Cultural Images--A.C. Safford’s Typical Women of China, The Translator, Volume 15, Number 2 (2009)