St. Mary's Hall S475
Telephone: 617-552-1194
Email: celeste.wells@bc.edu
The Rhetorical Tradition, Research Methods, and Argumentation Theory
Celeste C Wells joined the department in 2010 after earning her doctorate from the University of Utah. Her doctoral dissertation was titled "Difference and Science at Work: The Occupational Identity of Analytical Chemists."
Dr. Wells' research dissects messages to critically consider how individual interactions and organizational messaging choices impact lived experiences. Her work explores and provides ways to teach how inequities emerge from rhetorically positioned perceptions regarding difference. Dr. Wells has published peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles in outlets such as Management Communication Quarterly, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Women & Language, and Communication Teacher.
Dr. Wells teaches to develop students' critical understandings of how the social and political world around them is shaped by communication. In doing so, she hopes their education will play a vital role in their professional and personal choices.