Professor of the Practice
Connolly House 207
Telephone: 617-552-3966
Email: robert.savage@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-8836-6183
Modern Irish and British History, ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, the History of Irish and British broadcasting.
Professor Savage teaches courses in Modern Irish, British and Atlantic World History and courses in media, film and propaganda. He also collaborates with colleagues in the Departments of Fine Arts, Philosophy and English to teach interdisciplinary courses that explore the intersection of art, memory, narrative and history. He has been a Visiting Fellow at the Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin (Spring, 2018, Fall 2012); a Visiting Research Professor in the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queens University, Belfast (2017- 2018); a Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh (Spring, 2007) and a Visiting Professor at the National University of Ireland Galway, (Spring 2004, Fall 2011).
Northern Ireland, the BBC and Censorship in Thatcher’s Britain, 1979-1992. (Oxford University Press, 2022).
The BBC’s Irish Troubles, television, conflict and Northern Ireland
(Manchester University Press, 2015, paperback edition published 2017).
Sean Lemass a biography, (University College Dublin Press, 2014).
A Loss of Innocence? Television and Irish Society, 1960-1972,
(Manchester University Press, 2010, paperback edition published 2016).
Ireland in the New Century: Politics, Culture and Identity, editor and contributing author, (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2003).
Sean Lemass (Historical Association of Ireland, Dublin, 1999).
Irish Television: The Political and Social Origins (Cork University Press, 1996).
Articles & Book Chapters:
‘Religion and Broadcasting in the Two Irelands’ in The Oxford Handbook of Religion in Modern Ireland, Gladys Ganiel and Andrew Holmes eds. (Oxford University Press, 2024).
‘Infrastructures: Radio and Television’ in Technology in Irish Literature and Culture, Margaret Kelleher and James O’Sullivan eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2023).
‘Rediscovering Poverty: Moneylending in the Republic of Ireland in the 1960s’ (with Sean O’Connell and Carole Holohan) Irish Historical Studies, (2021).
‘Broadcasting on the Island of Ireland, 1916-2016’, The Cambridge History of Modern Ireland, vol. 4, Thomas Bartlett editor (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Éire/Ireland, an interdisciplinary journal of Irish Studies, co-editor and contributing author (with Christopher Morash, Trinity College, Dublin) two-volume edition of (Spring and Summer 2015, vol. 50 nos. 1 & 2).
‘Film, Broadcast Media and Modern Ireland’ Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish History, Alvin Jackson editor (Oxford University Press, 2014, paperback edition 2017).
‘Capturing Change and Creating Controversy in 1960s Ireland’ Associação Brasileira de Estudos Irlandeses (The Journal of Irish Studies in Brazil, 2013).
‘Sean Lemass and the Advent of Irish Television’ in The Age of Seán Lemass: Ireland 1945-1973 edited by Brian Girvin and Gary Murphy (University College Dublin Press, 2005).
‘Constructing/deconstructing the Image of Sean Lemass' Ireland, in Ireland in the New Century: Politics, Culture and Identity edited by Robert J Savage (Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2003).