Carney 326
Telephone: 617-552-8660
Email: mariela.dakova@bc.edu
Current Courses:
SLAV 2065 SOCY 2280 Society and National Identity in the Balkans
SLAV 2250 ICSP 2250 Conversion, Islam, and Politics in the Balkans
SLAV 1881-1882 Introduction to Bulgarian I & II
SLAV 2811-2812 Continuing Bulgarian I & II
Past courses:
SLAV 2169 Slavic Civilizations
SL 232 EN229 Literature of the Other Europe
SL 323 EN121 Linguistic Structure of English
SL430 RL 597 ED 303 Foreign Language Pedagogy
SL361 PS 377 Psycholinguistics
Slavic and East European History and Culture
After completing a major in Slavic Philology and a PhD in Comparative Linguistics, Mariela Dakova has been teaching in Europe, Canada, and the USA.
Her research and course development have been in the fields of Slavic and English Linguistics as well as in Slavic and East European history, society, and culture.
Teaching Appointments:
Lecturer, Eastern, Slavic, and German Studies Department, Boston College (1995- present)
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University (2013, 2016)
Visiting Instructor and Examiner, Center for Language Study, Yale University (2001-2002)
Language Examiner, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy,Tufts University (2002, 200,2009)
Visiting Professor, Department of Slavic and East European Studies, University of Alberta, Canada (1989 – 1993)
Assistant Professor, Bulgarian Language Department, St. Kliment Ohridski University Sofia, Bulgaria(1982 – 1989)
Research Grants:
2005 Teachers for the New Era Grant, BC School of Education
2004 Teaching, Advising & Mentoring Grant, Boston College
1993 & 1994 Canadian Council for Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant
Broken Dialogs: Linguistic Separatism, Ethnic Nationalism, and Slavic Idealism. Paper, Slavic Conference 2013, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Veliko Turnovo
The Americans will Come: Slavic Studies in American context. Diplomatic Review, vol. “XXIII”: Globalization and Cross-Cultural Studies, Abagar, 2009
Bulgarian Ethnic Group in Canada, a Monograph on the Bulgarian settlement, culture, economic, religious, and political life, Encyclopedia "Peoples of Canada", Toronto University Press & Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 2000, 40p.
Discourse Functions of Demonstratives in Written Bulgarian Texts. Sofia University Annual Journal, 84, 1998: 134-144.
How Free is the Free Word Order in Slavic? Paper, Boston College Balkan Conference 1997.
Aspect and Volitional Modality in Bulgarian, Russian and English. Comparative Linguistics, 3-4, 1994: 77-80.
Perfective Present and Past Imperfect in Sequential Discourse. Language and Literature, 3-4, 1993: 73-77.
Founding Director of the BC Summer Program to Bulgaria