Email: susan.bruce@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-1844-2742
My primary research emphasis is on communication development in children with multiple disabilities and especially those who are congenitally deafblind. I am particularly interested in how these children develop symbolic understanding and expression. Closely related to this work, is my focus on select pivotal milestones (such as joint attention and object permanence) that are connected to specific communicative achievements. In addition, I have conducted more than a dozen action research studies (including participatory action research) involving individuals who are deafblind or visually impaired. I am also interested in assessment, which is reflected across my communication and action research studies.
Dr. Bruce is not currently accepting Ph.D. students.
Susan Bruce's prolific career has focused on how students with multiple disabilities-particularly those who are congenitally deafblind develop communication and language. Her action, descriptive, and intervention research has spanned assessment, communication intervention, literacy, rare syndromes, action research, and teacher preparation.
As a professor of the TCS Department, Bruce contributes to the Lynch School through her expertise in assessing and teaching learners with disabilities, teacher education, international education, and research. Her recent research has included a longitudinal case on the literacy development of a young man who is deafblind, a descriptive study on the use of tactile tangible symbols by learners who are blind or deafblind, and collaborative research on strategies to support shared reading in the home and school settings.
Distinguished Service Award (2022). Division on Visual Impairment and Deafblindness, Council for Exceptional Children.
Invited member of the National Joint Committee on the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities (2011-present).
Peer Reviewer of the Year (2008) (awarded May, 2009). Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness.
Virginia M. Sowell Award (2006). Awarded for outstanding contributions in deafblindness/multiple disabilities. Awarded by The Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER).
Sensory Integration to Increase Reaching in Children with RETT/MECP2 Related Disorders. Rett Syndrome Foundation.
Action Research in Deafblindness. Perkins School for the Blind Research Fund.