Campion Hall Room 301D
Telephone: 617-552-0708
Email: nathaniel.js.brown@bc.edu
Introductory Statistics
Classroom Assessment
Readings and Research in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation
Readings and Research in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment
Classroom assessment; assessment for learning; alternative grading practices
Nathaniel Brown has geared his career toward changing the way we think about learning and accessing education. Specifically, his research explores learning assessment—reforming grading practices to establish formative classroom cultures, promote growth mindsets, chart clear paths for students and teachers, and support learning regardless of achievement level. His expertise spans cognitive development, STEM teaching and learning, and student motivation.
In addition to teaching at the Lynch School, Brown leads professional development workshops on learning assessment, most recently for the Emmaus Series at Boston College’s Roche Center for Catholic Education. He previously taught graduate and undergraduate courses at Indiana University Bloomington and the University of California Berkeley.
Among the publications to which he has contributed, a recent edited volume on a synthetic agenda for the learning sciences—which bridged the cognitive-situative divide—was considered a major contribution to the field. For the past three years, Brown has presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, of which he is a member. He also belongs to the International Society of the Learning Sciences and the American Educational Research Association.
Journal Articles
Edited Volumes
Book Chapters