Cohort I 2011-12

Katherine Allen
Head of Lower School, Lawrence Family Development Charter School

Maura Bradley
Principal, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar School

Catherine Brandley
Principal, Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy

Thabiti Brown
Principal, Codman Academy Charter Public School

Catherine Cameron
Principal, Quincy Catholic Academy

Nancy Carr
Principal, South Boston Catholic Academy

Mary Driscoll
Principal, Edison K-8 School

Traci Walker Griffith
Principal, Eliot K-8 School

Monica Haldiman
Principal, Sacred Heart School

Walter Henderson
Principal, Patrick J. Kennedy School

Barish Icin
Executive Director, Pioneer Charter School of Science

Cynthia Paris Jeffries
Principal, Blackstone Elementary School

Alexander Mathews
Principal, Sarah Greenwood School

Fred McDowell
Headmaster, Brighton High School

Eileen Morales
Principal, Joseph P. Tynan Elementary School

Sean Shirley-Davidson
Head of Middle School, Neighborhood House Charter School

Jeffrey Slater
Principal, Curley K-8 School

Andrew Tuite
Principal, Jackson Mann K-8 School

Cheryl Watson-Harris
Principal, Maurice J. Tobin K-8 School

Rudolph Weeks
Principal, West Roxbury Academy