Fulton Hall 315P
Telephone: 617-552-2829
Email: rojcewic@bc.edu
Philosophy of Education; and Political Philosophy.
"Somatic Desire: Recovering Corporeality in Contemporary Thought.” (Co-edited with Sarah Horton, Stephen Mendelsohn, and Richard Kearney.) Maryland: Lexington Books. 2019.
“Socrates’ Katabasis and the Sophistic Shades: Education and Democracy.” Plato Journal, 24. 2023.
“Ignorance, Flattery, and Dialectic: Philosophical Rhetoric in Plato’s Gorgias.” In Matthew Clemente, et al. (eds.) misReading Plato. England: Routledge. 2022.
“The Invention of Life and the Force of Life.” Research in Phenomenology. 2019.