On March 18, 2024, the look and feel of BC 2-Step Verification will be changing. BC will transition from the traditional Duo Prompt to a new feature called the Duo Universal Prompt. The vendor is requiring this change for all Duo users to enhance security (as part of Cisco acquiring Duo).

What’s Changing starting March 18?

Current BC-Specific Duo Prompt Screen
New Universal Prompt Screen
  1. New look. The prompt screen a user sees on the web will look different. 

  2. Automatically remembers the last login method. Duo will default to the method used most recently. You can use that method, or choose a different method through the new prompt's Other Options link. There is no longer a way to add a “default” authentication method.

  3. New Web Address for the Duo Prompt. The Universal Prompt will appear on Duo’s website, duosecurity.com, rather than a Boston College website, as the Traditional Prompt did. 
Current Prompt Link: login.bc.edu
New Universal Prompt Link. api-aee3cf68.duosecurity.com


Be Secure

Bad actors regularly try to imitate Duo 2-step prompts. If you are ever prompted to authenticate by a website not located on the duosecurity.com or bc.edu domains, or if you receive any Duo prompt or notification you did not initiate yourself, contact the IT Security team immediately at security@bc.edu.

What’s staying the same?

  • Managing your devices. Continue to use bc.edu/manage2step to add or remove devices for BC 2-Step Verification.

  • Duo Mobile App. The new Universal Prompt does not affect the DuoMobile App.

Learn More

For more information about Duo's Universal Prompt, visit Duo’s webpage.


Contact your TC or the BC Help Center at 617-552-HELP (4357) or help.center@bc.edu.