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Research Briefs

board composition affects environmental performance

Board composition affects sustainability and financial performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers collected data for 456 public U.S. companies, examining board characteristics, corporate sustainability performance, and corporate financial performance over a five-year span.

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recognition awards for csr

When can recognition awards for CSR performance make a difference to the bottom line?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers studied more than 2,200 companies to analyze the effect of winning any CSR award on financial performance, as measured by Tobin’s Q.

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customers consider sustainability

When buying products, customers consider how sustainability efforts align with business

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers surveyed nearly 550 consumers about how perception of a firm’s environmental sustainability might influence a purchase decision.

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modern slavery in supply chain

Modern slavery allegations in global supply chains negatively affect firm performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers identified more than 200 modern slavery allegations leveled at 79 public companies in various industries. They analyzed how these allegations might affect quarterly firm operating performance...

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carbon neutral

Board gender diversity linked to increased renewable energy consumption, financial performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers studied more than 1,400 U.S. firms from S&P’s 1500 index between 2008 and 2016, examining the relationship between board gender diversity and renewable energy use.

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time vs money

Perceived control impacts donors’ likelihood to give money versus time

RESEARCH BRIEF - To explore how a greater number of donors might be induced to give money, researchers conducted a series of seven studies with nearly 2,800 participants...

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csr linked to financial performance

CSR benefits financial performance across industries

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers used ESG data on more than 400 firms in 17 countries, looking at how firm size and industry affect the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance.

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csr corporate apology statement

When to mention CSR in corporate apology statements—congruence and commitment

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers surveyed 252 U.S. consumers, who were asked to read a negative news article about a fictitious pharmaceutical company, along with an apology statement admitting fault for failing to report adverse side effects of its pain reliever.

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esg news affect stock prices

Does ESG news affect stock price? Only if it’s financially material

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers studied ESG information from a wide variety of sources—including reports by analysts, media, advocacy groups, and government regulators— for 3,000 companies...

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hiring processes and veterans

Are we doing disservice to those who served in our hiring processes?

RESEARCH BRIEF - To examine how veterans disclose their experiences with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on social media and the consequences in the hiring process, researchers conducted four studies across more than 1,500 people.

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women board directors and ESG

Women directors positively affect ESG performance, especially in certain countries

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers looked at the ratio of women directors on the boards of 3,175 global firms alongside the firms’ corporate social performance scores.

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upside of managing climate risk

It pays to manage climate risk

RESEARCH BRIEF - In a study of nearly 12,000 bank loan terms at nearly 3,000 U.S. companies, researchers analyzed how climate risk affects firm performance and risk, including operational performance, default risk, and bank loan terms.

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