Resources for Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools

Purpose of the Certificate in Xaverian Formation:
As partners with the Xaverian Brothers in the “shared mission of Catholic education,” all membersof Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools are called to engage in ongoing personal and communalformation. We “respond to the call to minister in a Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School” bycommitting ourselves not only to ongoing professional growth but also to continual spiritual andtheological formation in the Catholic and Xaverian traditions. As Xaverian educators and layleaders in various fields, it is imperative that we dedicate ourselves to ongoing spiritual andtheological formation so we may continue the Xaverian Brothers’ mission in the third millennium.
About the Certificate in Xaverian Formation:
In the effort to engage in ongoing personal and communal formation, Xaverian Brothers SponsoredSchools have collaborated with the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Crossroadsprogram to offer a Certificate in Xaverian Formation. This certificate is a structured way to deepenformation in the Xaverian mission and knowledge of the Catholic faith. The Certificate in XaverianFormation requires six online courses which are five to six weeks in length, two required coursesand four courses of your choice.
Certificate in Xaverian Formation Requirements
Active participation in a minimum of 30 weeks from these categories:
Mission and Spirituality: A Xaverian Journey, 6 weeks (required)
Ordinary Sacredness: Xaverian Spiritual Values for Everyday Life, 6 weeks (required)
Plus four additional courses, which are 5 to 6 weeks in length, with one course from each of the following areas:
Qualifying Courses
- The Creed: What We Believe (recommended)
- The Church: People of God on a Mission (recommended)
- History of Church I: The Beginnings Through the Medieval Period
- History of the Church II: The Reformation Through Vatican II
- Franciscan Spirituality
- Ignatian Spirituality
- Spirituality Matters
- The Joy of the Gospel
Fee: $60 | Six Weeks
This course provides a basic overview of the mission and spirituality of the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier (C.F.X.) and Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools (XBSS). Beginning with the life of Theodore James Ryken, the Founder of the Xaverian Brothers, this course explores the pillars of Xaverian spirituality including the charism, values, and calls, which continue to animate the mission of the Xaverian Brothers and their partners in mission today.
4-Week Course | Fee: $30
A shorter version of Mission and Spirituality that may be appropriate for parents, alums, and others. This course does not fulfill the requirements for the Certificate in Xaverian Formation.
Ordinary Sacredness:
Xaverian Spiritual Values for Everyday Life
Fee: $60 | Six Weeks
This course explores the sacredness of the ordinary by highlighting the five core spiritual values in the Xaverian tradition: humility, simplicity, trust, compassion, and zeal. Drawing on the spiritual resources of the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier, Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools, and the larger Christian tradition, it reflects on the ways that God forms us as beloved daughters and sons in the common, ordinary, unspectacular flow of everyday life.
About STM Online: Crossroads
STM Online: Crossroads, a program of Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, offers non-credit online courses for adult spiritual enrichment and faith formation. With a focus on shared reflection in an online learning community, Crossroads models the kind of conversation and participation that lead to deeper understanding and personal growth in faith. As part of our commitment to the centrality of conversation to adult learning, each of our courses (except for the Online Book Club) are based on at least two content voices.
We also offer certificates for individuals who are looking for a structured way to extend their study, who need to document their preparation to volunteer for ministry in a parish or school.