School Notes
Date posted: Jul 17, 2024
Fee: $60
Jul 19, 2023 - Aug 22, 2023
Drawing upon theology, developmental psychology, and religious education, this course addresses the questions: Who are my students? What should I teach? and How do I teach it effectively?
Young people today are growing up into a world making complex demands of them: in school, the marketplace, personal relationships, and in the use of technology. Join us to explore the developing capacities and needs of adolescents. Draw from Scripture and Church teaching to increase your skills as a teacher (or parent) for helping teens understand and deepen their faith, strengthening them as they rise up to respond to the world around them. This course equips catechists and religion teachers with the resources and strategies needed to teach adolescents about the Catholic faith with inspiration and confidence.
Additional Materials Needed
All materials provided in the course.
Content Scholars
Jared Dees, M.Ed., M.A., (videos) is an author and the creator of the website The Religion Teacher, which provides practical resources and effective teaching strategies to religious educators; Dr. Max Engel (videos) is assistant professor of education at Creighton University; Dr. Thomas H. Groome (videos), professor of theology and religious education, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry; Dr. Patrick Manning (articles and videos) is assistant professor of pastoral theology at the Immaculate Conception Seminary and School of Theology at Seton Hall University; Dr. Theresa O’Keefe (videos) is associate professor of the practice of youth and young adult faith at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry; Susan B. Reynolds (videos) is a Ph.D. student in Theology and Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry