School Notes
Date posted: Feb 13, 2018
Fee: $50
Five Weeks
About the Book (required text for this course)
The Church of Mercy: A Vision for the Church, by Pope Francis (Loyola Press, 2014) is a selection of the pope’s remarks, many of which are homilies or general audiences.
About the Online Book Club
Are you a person who regularly reads books and articles on spirituality and theology?
Is the religion and spirituality section of your bookstore a favorite place?
Do you often wish there was a way that you could share your insights about an author and hear what others think?
If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, whether you are reading for professional development, a committed spiritual practice, or an ongoing hunger to know more about the spiritual life, the Online Book Club is for you!
The Online Book Club offers a setting to encounter an author’s ideas and participate in conversation with others about a selected text. In addition to providing an experienced facilitator to guide the conversation, we get you started by offering some direction to engage the author and the text. Then the conversation unfolds in light of the interests of those in the conversation circle.
Click here for other Online Book Club courses
Check the course schedule for the dates for the Online Book Club.
Special Features
This course includes:
All Crossroads courses include these features:
Additional Materials Needed
Pope Francis, The Church of Mercy: A Vision for the Church (Loyola Press, 2014)
Time Commitment
A participant can expect to spend approximately 4 hours each week. This commitment includes both preparation and interaction online.
Content Scholar: Pope Francis