School Notes
Date posted: Jan 22, 2020
Fee: $25
Three Weeks
Check the course schedule for future offerings of this course.
Families with their joys, challenges, pressures, and pains, are at the center of attention in the Church today. Families face new challenges and opportunities in the rapidly changing world of the 21st Century. In this course, we share in the stories and experiences of a range of families, each with unique abilities and needs. We also discuss how church communities can strengthen and support families as they grow and pass on the faith. This course is supported by the Spring 2015 issue of C21 Resources "Catholic Families: Carrying Faith Forward"
Introductory Week
Week 1: Some Realities of 21st Century Families
Week 2: Family Stories
Special Features
This course includes:
All Crossroads courses include these features:
Additional Materials Needed:
Everything you need for this course is provided on the course site. View this issue of , C21 Resources "Catholic Families: Carrying Faith Forward." Contact church21@bc.edu, The Church in the 21st Century Center, if you prefer a hard copy of this issue.
Time Commitment:
A participant can expect to spend an average of 3-4 hours each week. This commitment includes both preparation and interaction online.
Content Scholar: Dr. Stephen J. Pope, professor of theology at the Boston College Theology Department, is guest editor for this issue.