Results & Impact

City Connects increases a student's chance for success, while they are in a City Connects school and throughout their lives.

Long-Term Positive Impact

School Readiness

City Connects students demonstrate higher school readiness scores than students in comparison schools.

Report Card Grades

City Connects students achieve better report card scores in math, reading, behavior, work habits, and effort.

Standardized Test Scores

City Connects students outperform their peers on standardized test scores.

Statewide tests

Former City Connects students narrow up to 2/3rds of the achievement gap.

Grade Retention

Former City Connects students have lower rates of being held back in grade through grade 12.

School Attendance

Former City Connects students are significantly less likely to be chronically absent.

Post-Secondary Admission

Former City Connects students are more likely to enroll in and complete post-secondary education.

Statewide Tests

Former City Connects students achieve Advanced or Proficient scores on grade 10 statewide tests in both English Language Arts and Math at a much higher rate.

Dropout Rate

Former City Connects students have a dropout rate that is approximately half that of students who never experienced City Connects.

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