Locations (old)
City Connects is being implemented in 192 public, private, and charter schools in Massachusetts, Ohio, Minnesota, and Indiana. City Connects is building capacity to scale the model with local partners at the City Connects Midwest Technical Assistance Center in Indianapolis and in Ireland.
Beverly, Massachusetts

Erin Berrigan

Carla-Ann Femino

Erika Lepik

Abby Slezak
Boston, Massachusetts

Quinn Beattie

Keren Clark

Sara Davey

Madeline Gillespie

Sarah Green

Emma Furlong

Myriam Villalobos
Dayton, Ohio

Jama Badinghaus

Shannon Baker

Megan Bettelon

Alyssa Bleijerveld
Dublin, Ireland
Indianapolis, Indiana

Maleni Angon

Busola Balogun

Precious Chapman

Tracey Evans

Alexis Haynes

Alison Henderson

Dani Hoover

Sharmaine Hopkins

Carla Hubbard

Brandy Huff

Jorey Jackson

April Jones

Tamara Macklin

Wendy Mattner

LIndsey Mecklenburg

Erika Merriweather

Kelley Miller

Madeline Mullet

Valerie Oliveras

LeKeitha Patterson

Tannika Patton

Tupee Ramos

Jelena Soots

Natalie Swihart

Kiara Swygert

Katania Williams

Alejandro Zapata Benitez

Gretchen Zientek
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota

Laurie Acker

Chris Benefield

McKenzie Bergman

Greg Bringgold

Margarethe Longsdorf

Chelsie Bennett
Salem, Massachusetts

Esther Mejia Fernandez

Marlene Lunt

Brad Maloon

Sari Rudolph

Christina Sakelakos

Ellen Wingard
Springfield, Massachusetts

Stephanie Arroyo

Rachel Barr

Michelle Cahillane

Genevieve Ellis-Britz

Nicole Falcone

Tatiana Flores

Lynn Giannetti

Sally Hardy

Rose Hill

Mark Jenkins

Tiffany Liddell

Jennifer Maccarini

Imani McCoy

Shandria McCoy

Lindsay Morris

Laurie Roule

Stephanie Sanabria

Esther Santiago

Taylor Sapia

Molley Shea

Kali Thomas

Tatyana Villegas

Brianna Violante
Working With the Community
“City Connects helped bring programs around the school's community together to work on achieving a common goal. It led every program to better understand each other and understand students' specific needs.”