Campion Hall Room 218
Telephone: 617-552-4180
Email: david.scanlon@bc.edu
Education and Development for Students with Disabilities
Educational Strategies: Children with Special Needs
Understanding Learning Disabilities and Education
Teaching and Learning Strategies - Moderate Support Needs
Teaching and Learning Strategies for Inclusive Secondary Educators
Strategic Teaching & Learning; Student Self-Advocacy; Content-Area Literacy
David Scanlon, Ph.D. specializes in cognitive-strategic teaching & learning, content-area literacy, and self-advocacy, particularly as they pertain to students with high-incidence disabilities in inclusive education. His research is focused on interventions empowering learners and those who teach them. The former chairperson of the AERA Special Education Research SIG and the Council for Learning Disabilities Research Committee, he has published two textbooks and numerous peer-reviewed research articles, and has received over $5million in research funding. He also teaches about special education methods and global perspectives on disabilities and special education. Scanlon is former editor of the Learning Disability Quarterly and current editor of Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. He is a Fellow of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities.