Fulton Hall 338
Telephone: 617-552-1536
Email: fos@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-5479-6564
Financial Markets; Corporate Governance; Corporate Finance; Financial Markets; Insider Trading; Boards of Directors; Activist Shareholders in Corporate Governance; Liquidity in Corporate Governance; and Investment and Employment Consequences of Share Repurchases.
Vyacheslav (Slava) Fos is a professor in the Seidner Department of Finance at the Boston College Carroll School of Management. He is also the coordinator of the Ph.D. in finance program.
Fos’s research interests are in the areas of financial markets, corporate governance, and corporate finance. His research studies information transmission in financial markets, insider trading, boards of directors, the role of activist shareholders in corporate governance, the role of stock liquidity in corporate governance, and investment and employment consequences of share repurchases. His research has appeared in leading academic journals, including the Econometrica, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Management Science. His teaching interests focus on corporate finance. He has taught courses in corporate finance at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
“Tuition, Debt, and Human Capital,” with Rajashri Chakrabarti.” (With Andres Liberman, and Constantine Yannelis.) Review of Financial Studies, 36 (4), 1667-1702. April, 2023.
“The Distribution of Voting Rights to Shareholders.” (With Clifford Holderness.) Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. April, 2021.
“Value Creation in Shareholder Activism.” (With Rui Albuquerque and Enrique Schroth.) Journal of Financial Economics, 45 (2), 153-178. August, 2022.
“Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance.” (With Amil Dasgupta and Zacharias Sautner.) Foundations and Trends® in Finance, 12 (4), 276-394. July 2021.
“Informed Trading in the Stock Market and Option Price Discovery.” (With Pierre Collin-Dufresne and Dmitry Muravyev.) Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56 (6), 1945-1984. September, 2021.
“The Sound of Many Funds Rebalancing.” (With Alex Chinco.) Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 11 (3), 502-551. September, 2021.
“Activism, Strategic Trading, and Liquidity.” (with Kerry Back, Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Tao Li, and Alexander Ljungqvist.) Econometrica, 86 (4), 1431-1463. July, 2018.
“Do Director Elections Matter?” (With Kai Li and Margarita Tsoutsoura.) Review of Financial Studies, 31 (4), 1499-1531. July, 2017.
“The Disciplinary Effects of Proxy Contests.” Management Science, 63 (3), 655-671. March, 2017.
“Out-of-The-Money CEOs: Private Control Premium and Option Exercises.” (With Wei Jiang.) Review of Financial Studies, 29 (6), 1549-1585. November, 2016.
“Insider Trading, Stochastic Liquidity, and Equilibrium Prices.” (With Pierre Collin-Dufresne.) Econometrica, 84 (4), 1441-1475. July, 2016.
“The Real Effects of Share Repurchases.” (With Heitor Almeida and Mathias Kronlund.) Journal of Financial Economics, 119 (1), 168-185. January, 2016.
“Do Prices Reveal the Presence of Informed Trading?” (With Pierre Collin-Dufresne.) The Journal of Finance, LXX (4), 1555-1582. August, 2015.
“Shareholder Democracy in Play: Career Consequences of Proxy Contests.” (With Margarita Tsoutsoura.) Journal of Financial Economics, 114 (2), 316-340. November, 2014.
"Inferring Reporting-Related Biases in Hedge Fund Databases from Hedge Fund Equity Holdings.” (With Vikas Agarwal and Wei Jiang.) Management Science, 59 (6), 1271-1289. June, 2013.