Fulton Hall 352C
Telephone: 617-552-8284
Email: nan.liu@bc.edu
Professor Nan Liu studies operations management within service industries, including healthcare, retail, and transportation. His current research focuses on the design and control of service systems, particularly in healthcare, where he explores how to effectively match supply with demand for health services to improve access, cost-effectiveness, and quality. Trained as both an operations researcher and a data scientist, he employs stochastic modeling, optimization, and data science methodologies in his work. At Boston College, Professor Liu teaches undergraduate and MBA courses in operations management. He was a recipient of the 2023 Coughlin Distinguished Teaching Award from the Carroll School of Management. Before joining Boston College, he was on the faculty of the Health Policy and Management Department at Columbia University.
“Managing Outpatient Care with Strategic Walk-ins.” (With William van Jaarsveld, Shan Wang and Guanlian Xiao.) Management Science, 69 (10). February, 2023.
“Dynamic Interday and Intra-day Scheduling.” (With Christos Zacharias and Mehmet Begen.) Operations Research. August, 2022.
“Appointment Scheduling under Time-Dependent Patient No-show Behavior.” (With Qingxia Kong, Shan Li, Chung-Piaw Teo and Zhenzhen Yan.) Management Science, 66 (8), 3480-3500. August, 2020.
“Managing Appointment-based Services in the Presence of Walk-in Customers.” (With Shan Wang and Guohua Wan.) Management Science, 66 (2), 667-686. February, 2020.
“Managing Appointment Booking under Customer Choices.” (With Peter van de Ven and Bo Zhang.) Management Science, 65 (9), 4280-4298. September, 2019.
“When Waiting to See a Doctor is Less Irritating: Understanding Patient Preferences and Choice Behavior in Appointment Scheduling.” (With Stacey Finkelstein, Margaret Kruk and David Rosenthal.) Management Science, 64 (5), 1975-1996. May, 2018.
“A Study of New York City Obstetrics Units Demonstrates the Potential for Reducing Hospital Inpatient Capacity.” (With Linda Green.) Medical Care Research and Review, 72 (2), 168-186. February, 2015.
“Appointment Scheduling under Patient Preference and No-show Behavior.” (With Jacob Feldman, Huseyin Topaloglu and Serhan Ziya.) Operations Research, 62 (4), 794-811. July-August, 2014.
“Multiresource Allocation Scheduling in Dynamic Environments.” (With Woonghee Tim Huh and Van-Anh Truong.) Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 15 (2), 280-291. January, 2013.
“The Productivity and Cost-efficiency of Models for Involving Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care: A Perspective from Queueing Analysis.” (With Thomas D’Aunno.) Health Services Research, 47 (2), 594-613. November, 2011.