Fulton Hall 224C
Telephone: (617) 552-2926
Email: aimee.smith@bc.edu
Corporate Finance, Investments, Equity Valuation
Corporate Litigation and fraud; Corporate Governance; Executive Compensation; Initial Public Offerings; Seasoned Equity Offerings; and Mergers and Acquisitions.
Aimee Smith is an assistant professor of the practice in the Seidner Department of Finance. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Corporate Finance and researches a broad range of corporate topics, including corporate litigation and fraud, corporate governance, and executive compensation. Prior to joining the faculty at Boston College, Aimee worked as an assistant professor of finance at Bentley University, where she taught Financial Markets and Investments as well as Equity Valuation. She also taught courses in Corporate Financial Management and Security Analysis and Portfolio Management as a doctoral student at Florida State University. Before pursuing a career in academia, she worked as a certified public accountant for two different public accounting firms.
“The Implications of Contemporary Research on COVID-19 for Volatility and Portfolio Management.” (With Dominique Outlaw and Na Wang.) The Journal of Portfolio Management, 47 (9), 159-177. 2021.
“The Role of Directors with Related Supply Chain Industry Experience in Corporate Acquisition Decisions.” (With Natasha Burns and Kristina Minnick.) Journal of Corporate Finance, 67. April, 2021.
“How Much do Corporate Defendants Really Lose? A New Verdict on the Reputation Loss Induced by Corporate Litigation.” (With Bruce Haslem and Irena Hutton.) Financial Management, 46 (2), 323-358. Summer, 2017.
“Ready to Work Graduates: Enhancing the Value of Bloomberg in a University Finance Curriculum.” (With Dominique Gehy.) Journal of Economics and Finance Education. Fall 2016.